Tag Archives: Reggie Lane

Reggie is our Lib Dem Hero

Reggie and KitEvery knows somebody with a positive story to tell about campaigning.  Indeed thousands of Liberal Democrats go beyond the call of duty.  I want to tell the story of Reggie Lane.  Reggie, 45 is a long standing member of the Liberal Democrats.  A full time wheelchair user, Reggie from ‘The Cray’ in Rochdale was an inspiration in the local election campaign in Rochdale.  People talk of a Lib Dem Fightback – Reggie never stops fighting.  Both personally and politically.
Did you know that during the election, Reggie delivered hundreds of leaflets and target letters to his neighbours.  He knocked on hundreds of doors and sat outside a polling station for 12 hours on election day.  At the best of times, leafleting is difficult.  For Reggie, you can times that by so much more.  When he couldn’t get to the letter box – he knocked on!
Posted in Op-eds | Also tagged | 1 Comment

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