A Cambridge Council by-election has made national headlines this week after a Labour Councillor resigned because she didn’t agree with the terms of the Equality Act, which has been in force since 2010.
Our candidate in the by-election is former Councillor for the ward and former Executive Councillor for Community Wellbeing Sarah Brown.
From Pink News:
Ahead of the September 13 by-election, the Liberal Democrats picked respected transgender activist Sarah Brown as the candidate for Sinnott’s vacated Petersfield seat.
Brown, a polyamorous transgender lesbian campaigner, previously held the seat from 2010 until 2014.
The candidate said: “Petersfield is where I live and I aim to champion it as I already know how – and as I did before.”
She added: “I am sad to see the campaign to turn the clock back on the city council’s equalities policy, which I will resist.
“It’s right that the needs and rights of transgender people, along with other groups, are recognised here, as national legislation expects.
“Cambridge has led by example on diversity, tolerance and liberal values, and we must defend that leadership from those who seek to divide us.”
It’s good to see the official Lib Dems Twitter account get behind her: