Tag Archives: school transport

Opinion: Post 16 transport: It’s time to change the law to enable everyone to get on in life

Ear buds 'n' earsFor many 16 year olds across the country the post-exam, pre-result time in the summer should be a time of freedom, working a summer job to save some money or hanging out with friends and family, sure in the knowledge that come September they will be on track to take the next steps in life.

Northumberland’s young people are facing uncertainty this summer. The previous Liberal Democrat administration at County Hall had guaranteed the right of free post-16 transport to the most suitable accessible course. This has been taken …

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Opinion: Extending participation in education must mean extension of free school transport – support motion to Spring Conference NOW

The age of participation in education is rising to 18, so soon every student will have to enter school, college, an apprenticeship or work with training when they finish their GCSEs.

I believe that every young person has the right to access free state education up to year 13. Accessing free education should include the provision of free transport to the most local educational establishment that is right for them.

Last week Nick Clegg was reported on on this site as saying that he would promise young people “ an equal shot” by helping them to make the right choice after taking their …

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  • David Allen
    Farmers do hard and vital work, and get hit by many difficulties and uncertainties. So should we: (1). Create good support systems for farming incomes whic...
  • Ahmad
    What comes next is HTS will raise conflicts with Israel as planed by both, so Israel can expand into Damascus to be like Ghazah and the US will handle north Syr...
  • Matthew Radmore
    Roland 10th Dec '24 - 3:46pm Unfortunately, it does seem Israel is taking advantage of the situation… with it taking “temporary control” of demilitarized...
  • Matthew Radmore
    Thank you for this important and shocking read. The whole civilised world, if their is anything civilised left should, only support Syrians at their request ...
  • tom arms
    @John McHugo. Yes, and I am one of those whose Christian beliefs have shaped his liberal values. But I also am a staunch believer in the separation of church an...