Tag Archives: stanislaw pieta

What will Cameron do next – as Polish friends show their prejudice once more?

Last week, LibDem Voice brought the news of Nick Clegg’s commitment to full rights and equality for gay, lesbian, transexual and transgendered people. In an article entitled ‘Clegg calls for full gay equality – what will Cameron do?’ it explained how Nick Clegg had ‘laid down the gauntlet to the Tory leader David Cameron to justify his ‘liberal Conservatism’ by following suit’.

Today comes another opportunity for Cameron to demonstrate his liberal conservative values. Twenty seven members of the Conservatives’ European Parliamentary allies, the Polish Law and Justice Party, are yet again targeting gays as they demand a government clampdown on paedophiles. Cameron …

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  • Jenny Barnes
    It reminds me of the probably apocryphal story of a fairly new MP talking to an old-timer in the bar : " The trouble with this place is there are far too many @...
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