Tag Archives: surestart

Opinion: Professionalisation vs Professionals in early years

The Liberal Democrat Education Association Conference 2014 was a thoroughly enjoyable event with friendly people and some fantastic debate. One such debate was the emphasis placed on professionals teaching in early years education.

It is important to note, governance relationships within the modern welfare-state has evolved from its top-down centralised roots to a system of partnerships, networks and stakeholders. Equally, the philosophy of state-interventionism has moved away from the notion that education professionals exist in isolation from other stakeholders such as parents as well as other areas of welfare such as health. Therefore to direct ones faith in …

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PMQs: Cameron’s wheels start falling off

For the third week out of the last four, a Liberal Democrat asked the first question at Prime Minister’s Questions. This is turning into a tradition! Yay! This week it was the turn of Roger Williams to go through the charade of asking the PM for an entirely predictable list of his engagements for the day. Rather cleverly, albeit interrupted by some harrying from the Speaker, Roger manage to squeeze in two points: a) the key role played by the Sennybridge ranges and the infantry battle school in his constituency and b) a question about foreign students and universities: “Can …

Posted in PMQs | Also tagged , and | 17 Comments

Recent Comments

  • Tristan Ward
    @David Raw I suppose some may yearn for the good old days when we only had 6 or 12 MPs - I remember them - but I prefer 50 plus and the chance of more li...
  • Peter Davies
    The democratic structures to whom the selectors are accountable are largely irrelevant. There are few enough people qualified and willing to do the job that we ...
  • expats
    The French system charges those who visit the doctor BUT.... If my memory still works...When I lived there (between 1998 and 2014) the amount was 23Euros..Th...
  • Daniel Stylianou
    The unfortunate reality is that for the most part, we’re living in an era of populist thinking. I think the idea that “we know best” comes really from a r...
  • David Raw
    @ Nonconformist radical That's a bit more like it, Noncon. I would expect nothing less with your name....