Tag Archives: university education

£18,000 Education Pot – a good idea?

The papers today have been full of Vince Cable’s proposal that all 16-year olds should have access to an £18,000 endowment for education.

Here is an extract from The Sun:

Teenagers should get £18,000 to spend on further education to re-balance inequality between the generations, Sir Vince Cable has said.

The Lib Dem leader today unveiled his plans for an “endowment fund” which would be used for young people to spend throughout their lives.

And from the Daily Telegraph:

A new wealth tax could extract some of the housing value owned by older Brits, which Cable wants to use to give all 18-year olds

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Opinion: The assessment boycott and the need to protect students with disabilities

I have just started university and all is going well, except in one particular area. I have not received a single piece of work back from my university tutors since my course began. This because of a assessment boycott instigated by the University and Colleges Union (UCU). They are is a dispute with the group that represents the heads of most universities in the UK (UUK) over pensions. I am in the same boat as thousands of other university and college students in the UK. this is not only very annoying it is also very disruptive the my university education. As a student with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs), this includes myself as I have Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. This is putting a massive amount of undue extra pressure on me and many others at the beginning of our university lives. I have made a brief video which explains this further:

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Recent Comments

  • Tristan Ward
    Personally , and following JS Mill, I am wary of having my children (or any children) educated by the state given the state's tendency to insist that citizens a...
  • TonyH
    @Phillip Bennion I think that the farm IHT should be phased in, with mitigating allowances for elderly farmers passing on to direct descendants, progressivel...
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    More "Kropotkin than Clegg" Given Kropotkin was proponent of anarchist communism it is not hard to understand why Ben Wood is worrying about what Liberalism ...
  • William Wallace
    So start writing in detail about how to redefine social liberalism in the face of current challenges. Organise some seminars in the margins of campaigning, and...
  • Ruth Clark
    Kropotkin or Clegg? Not a tough contest is it Ben? Love this!...