Tag Archives: veterans medal

Opinion: policy making is proving pointless

As the Federal Party prepares for the Spring Conference, in Nick Clegg’s homeland of Sheffield, Liberal Democrat policy making, now we are in Coalition Government, is proving pointless.

The award of a National Defence medal, to hundreds of thousands of veterans who have been prepared to put their life on the line to keep the Nation safe and secure, was the first policy motion approved by the Liberal Democrat Party since being in Coalition Government. A veteran’s medal fund ensures there is no cost to the public purse surrounding this policy.
A review of service medals was contained in …

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  • Simon R
    @Michael. Asking a single person to work 7.94 hours a week (if they are able) in order to earn the money they are being given by the state doesn't seem very on...
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    For deep poverty rates by family type see JRF Poverty 2024 Report p 147 https://www.jrf.org.uk/uk-poverty-2024-the-essential-guide-to-understanding-poverty-in-t...
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    I am not surprised you had unfilled places given the cost of attending. This really needs looking at so those of us on low incomes are not excluded....