The Voice is supposed to cover good news and… not so good news, so as it’s late on Sunday night lets get some not so good news out of the way:
- Bad news for Ming Campbell in headline figures of a GfK NOP poll
- Bad news for Nicol Stephen as he faces a police probe in to his Scottish Parliamentary expenses claims, but also good news – when visitors to the Sunday Herald website were asked “Should there be an inquiry into deputy first minister Nicol Stephen’s allowance claims?” 35.6% said ‘yes’, but 64.4% said ‘no’.
Tomorrow is another day.
PS If you’re wondering what the “take out the trash” reference is, it apparently refers to releasing lots of bad news at once, in the expectation that 10 stories fill the same amount of column inches as one story. This may be a concept that exists only in The West Wing – like walking at speed through corridors without bumping into people.
As I’ve said elsewhere when the polls show all the party leaders with -ve approval ratings and the top in “who would make the best Prime Minister?” (source Mori) is don’t know then for the party’s to be bandying round polls showing they are doing slightly better than the other in some (sometimes) rather spurious measures suggests they’re rather missing the point!
Maybe TOTT should be one of those WP categories that don’t show up on the front page 😛