The LDV Friday Five: 20 August 2010

It’s Friday, so here’s a fistful of lists that sum up the past week on Liberal Democrat Voice:

5 most-read stories on LDV this week

1. Opinion: why we should wish Labour well (99) by George Kendall
2. Tory MP in Commons sex party “scandal” (14) by The Voice
3. The Miliband campaigning house parties (5) by Mark Pack
4. Opinion: unnatural constituency boundaries – the hidden menace (48) by David Allen
5. LibLink: Nick Clegg – My vision for a new political map and voting system (33) by NewsHound

5 active LDV Members’ Forum threads

1. Tories attack the poor rather than the rich
2. Anyone favour a merger with the Tories?
3. AV again
4. Are members’ newsletters too much trouble now we have email?
5. September conference – How long should I go for?

5 most active groups on ACT

1. Delga: LGBT Lib Dems
2. Liberal Democrats for Drug Policy Reform
3. UK:OK
4. I Agree With Nick
5. West Midlands Liberal Democrats

5 top reader search returns to get to LDV

(excluding Liberal Democrat Voice or its variants)
1. social liberal forum (-)
2. lib dems (-)
3. freedom bill (-)
4. colin firth lib dem (-)
5. nick clegg (-)

5 from the LDV archive

(20th August, 2007-09)
1. Opinion: Misinformed populists spoil the exam results debate (62) by Chris Ward, from 2009
2. Australian Electoral Commission agrees to “Sex Party” (0) by Helen Duffett, from 2009
3. Guardian vs Daily Mail: who is the one who made the mistake? (17) by Mark Pack, from 2008
4. Which is the least likely company in the world to go GM-free in its own cafeteria? (4) by Mark Pack, from 2007
5. How many times can the Tories flip flop in the same policy document? (0) by Mark Pack, from 2007.

Let the weekend commence in 5-4-3-2-1….

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This entry was posted in Friday Five.

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