The LDV Friday Five: 9 April 2010

It’s Friday. It’s five o’clock. Here’s a fistful of lists that sum up the LDV week:

5 most-read stories on LDV this week

1. “You’ll be found dead on the streets” – the message from a BNP supporter (16) by Dominic Carman
2. The ‘Digital Economy Bill Saints’: the MPs who voted against Labour’s internet freedom clampdown #DEbill (25) by Richard Flowers
3. Votematch is back: which party most closely matches your policy preferences? (11) by Mark Pack
4. Election purdah period: what can and can’t be done? (0) by Mark Pack
5. BNP hit by allegations of coups, infighting and sabotage (15) by Mark Pack

5 active LDV Members’ Forum threads

Artworking focus on a Mac?
Online donations
Canvassing tales
Public Interest Test
Change logo – Riso

5 featured groups on ACT

1. Vote Labservative!
2. Debate Nights
3. Bring Back Sue
4. Liberal Youth
5. Act Creative

5 top reader search returns to get to LDV

(excluding Liberal Democrat Voice or its variants)
1. malcolm redfellow (-)
2. how to become a lib dem mp (+3)
3. paul griffiths mansion tax (n/c)
4. liberator readers on facebook (-)
5. hymns for liberals (-)

5 recent Lib Dem tweets

>> @salimfadhley Not a single LibDem MP voted for the Digital Economy Act – unfortunately Labour has enough votes to carry it alone:

>> @helenwalsh Great piece here on @bridgetfox

>> @alexfoster Ooh, my #labservative mug has arrived.

>> @LDKatz71 Nick Clegg: Lib Dems have costed, in full, our proposals for tax cuts. We can tell you, penny for penny, pound for pound, who pays for them.

>> @BrentLD Former Conservative Councillor says race in Wembley Central, Alperton and Sudbury is between Lib Dems and Labour

If you are a Lib Dem who tweets, and would like to be added to Ryan’s Lib Dem Tweets aggregator, drop him an email at [email protected]

That’s it from the LDV Friday Five. Let the weekend commence in 5-4-3-2-1…

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