The LDV Bank Holiday caption competition: Lib Dem deputy leadership “Simon Hughes mucks in” edition

There’s no prize at stake – just the opportunity to prove you’re wittier than any other LDV reader …

(Image: via Flickr).

Here’s contender for the Lib Dem deputy leadership Simon Hughes hard at work, gardening for Springwatch in London. What do you reckon he might be thinking?

The winner of our most recent caption competition, the rather belated “Clegg & Cameron love-in” edition – according to The Voice’s judging panel of one – was this one by Alison, with a special commendation for this one by Phil Rodgers.

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  • “A lot of bad news to bury today.”

  • one less Telegraph journalist!

  • Cheltenham Robin 31st May '10 - 5:52pm

    For an inner city MP, Simon thought it strange that he had been given the job of minister for Agricultural and Rural Affairs in the coalition government, but he thought he had better show willing.

  • Simon Titley 31st May '10 - 5:55pm

    The mystery of what a deputy leader is meant to do was solved when Simon Hughes was spotted disposing of shredded documents.

  • does my tummy look big in this?

  • When life slings mud at you – make mulch!

  • gramsci's eyes 31st May '10 - 7:40pm

    How about – “I buried my honour in 1983 and sold my soul in 2010. The only thing left is gardening leave”

  • “It’s not easy cleaning up after Mark Oaten!”

  • Ian Stewart 31st May '10 - 9:12pm

    shredded Daily Telegraphs are good for one thing……..compost! There is enough manure [my “polite” choice of word] in it to need no additives.

  • He’s treading wheelie carefully

  • It’s the MP for Barrow

  • Stuart White 31st May '10 - 9:23pm

    I’m regular Labour visitor to this site, and I really am interested in Lib-Lab dialogue. But please indulge this one outbreak of what I freely confess is petty tribalism….

    ‘After Lib-Con coalition is formed, Simon Hughes is delegated to bury Lib Dem principles.’

  • Simon was very surprised to find a large pile of crap in London. However, he soon realised that it was being spread around by the Daily Telegraph.

  • “I’d better hurry. This is the last wasteful publicly-funded project before the cuts. Replanting the Palace of Westminster Garden, that is.”

  • Mike Beckett 31st May '10 - 10:39pm

    Where exactly did Labour bury the bodies? They are in this Brown mess somewhere…

  • The chips were down and, while painting ‘Bi C.V.’ on the side of his wheelbarrow might have been too subtle for some, it was the only way Simon could bear to come out.

  • We’ve got the muck, but the Torygraph have the rake…

  • Please take it in good spirit, it’s not meant any other way.

    “I wonder if I can claim for the wheelbarrow on expenses?”

  • Duncan Crowe 1st Jun '10 - 12:16am

    Candidate for the Deputy Leadership Simon Hughes reveals his plan to save Cowley Street by making up for the loss of Short money; all LibDem MPs and SpAds to take second jobs as day-labourers and taxi drivers. Taxi passenger commented “I had that Nick Clegg in the front of my cab the other day”.

  • Matthew Doye 1st Jun '10 - 1:47am

    Vote Hughes for Deputy Leader.
    The Man who knows where the bodies are buried.

  • I buried my principles years ago offering voters a straight choice to bury Peter Tatchell now I am burying the principles of the Liberal Democrats

  • “The coalition’s over there then? A good place to dump this…”

  • gramsci's eyes 1st Jun '10 - 8:57am

    New partner of Simon Hughes dons camouflage gear to divert awkward questions.

    Lib – dems more likely to stay in the closet denied by MP for Narnia.

    MP denies he has eaten Boa Constrictor!

  • Anthony Aloysius St 1st Jun '10 - 9:01am

    “I don’t know what sort of manure this is, but it certainly seems to attract the trolls.”

  • gramsci's eyes 1st Jun '10 - 9:26am

    Oompa Loompa’s demonstrate enviromental credentials.

    Lib-dems unveil details of economic policy.

    Lib-dem animal welfare spokesman defends Simon Hughes clothes. “As far as we can ascertain , Acrylics are not on the list of endangered animals. Anyway knowing Simon as I do it would be faked Acrylic or at the very least farmed”.

    “Yes Squire David Sir at the double. Yes sir it is an honour to handle the shit , as long as your garden Sir smells of Roses”.

    Manifesto idea of urban farms now seen to have drawbacks. Already one MP knocked out by Telegraph pole & crofter in near miss by removal van.

    Hard hitting lib-dem policy to clean up the City finally revealed! “We know our place” says yokel.

  • gramsci's eyes 1st Jun '10 - 9:58am

    No K ehaar. Satirical comment is always near the knuckle and works by you drawing inference. So don’t start and take offence at everything or become the definer of what can and cannot be said.

    What about the children type of cry leads to a world where adults are only left to indulge in an infantile discourse. I am an adult and give other Adults the courtesy of being able to read between the lines.

    It is nothing about being gay, but more about hypocrisy. The Narnia quote asks why there seems to be this history within the party which would claim JS Mill as it’s soul. Surely that is about personal liberation too. It is a question worth asking, what are the consequences of a minister being so uncomfortable in his own skin at the age of 43? You cannot dissolve your inner life from your outer life.

    I am sure many an MP is a great Joke teller, but when has it been acceptable for them to tell an iffy joke as you would in the pub or any other adult forum. They are not allowed to, because we treat politics in an infantile fashion and that is why molehills become mountains, and that is why we get the politics and the politicians we deserve. It is not even their fault.

    Or do we burn Aristotles treatise on Comedy as in the name of the Rose or should we just stick to shouting.

    Mind you shouting is okay.
    “Take away the right to say “fuck” and you take away the right to say “fuck the government!” (Jack Benny)

  • gramsci's eyes 1st Jun '10 - 9:59am

    Lenny Bruce

  • gramsci's eyes 1st Jun '10 - 10:11am

    “What did Vince Cable do to get a Mondeo” MP asks?

    “No Doctor I am the MP for Yeovil, its the world that has went mad , not me”

    “Simon Hughes swaps “bury head in sand policy” for greener alternative”

  • gramsci's eyes 1st Jun '10 - 10:22am

    Lib dem refuses to take advice. Burning leaves is bright and dazzling in the short term, but they have a habit of blowing about burning people and only leave whispy ashes in the long term.

  • “Right – finally found that smelly stuff Labour left behind…”

    MP ditches garden to spend more time with politics….

    Tightning of expenses rules lead to more MPs taking on second jobs….

    Simon Hughes ditches taxi for more environmentally-friendly transport

  • Simon Hughes tasked with burying skeletons found in government closets.

  • Kehaar – we know it’s not manure, but it’s funnier to pretend it is.

  • Kehaar, if they would have taken a common mortgage, Laws could have claimed for his part of the instalments legally, so he actually didn’t cost the taxpayer more than if he had lived openly in gay relationship.

  • toryboysnevergrowup 2nd Jun '10 - 9:38am

    A barrowload of liberal principles for Mr Clegg

  • Hughes announces candidacy for deputy leadership by building world’s biggest spliff

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