There’s no prize at stake – just the opportunity to prove you’re wittier than any other LDV reader …
Here’s Nick Clegg on a recent visit to cheer on Burnley Lib Dems and their candidate Gordon Birtwistle, as they attempt to unseat Labour and stop the BNP. (With thanks to Hywel Morgan for the picture). What do you think they might be saying to each other, or thinking about each other?
The winner of our most recent caption competition, the ‘never work with children’ edition just six weeks ago (ahem) – according to The Voice’s judging panel of one – was this one from Painfully Liberal.
Thirty you say Nick? You know William Hague once claimed ten a night!
“How exactly did we manage to keep this one from Mulholland?”
Actualy the last caption comp was the “pretty in pink” edition on the 19th of December. You’d forgotten to post it in “caption comp”.
Caption for the whole photo.
You can tell that Nick is a Lib Dem – the glass is half empty.
Gordon to Nick, “So we have to stay here until all the conference stewards have drunk their fill?”
Expenses claims? What expenses claims? Get this one Gordon, will you.
Gordon: “Which do you fancy Nick, the Blond Witch or the Black Cat?”
Nick: “I’d prefer you to win Gordon”
Nick to Gordon.
“Another few pints and I’ll give you a few patsy questions to lob at me at
Prime Ministers Questions”
Bloke on the right to bloke on the left:
“Don’t stop smiling – Don’t let them know anything’s wrong – but why is he looking at that cactus in such a peculiar way?”
Landlord: get back from behind there! Yer all barred!
Gordon: “How many are we talking, Nick? 10, 20, 30?”
Nick: “No more than 30 – it’s a lot less than that.”
Blimey! He’s no match for Angie Watts or Peggy Mitchell!
First meeting of the Burnley gender and ethnic balance task force not judged a success
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[…] Voice’s judging panel of one – was this one from Andy Mayer; with an honourable mention to this one from […]