The smiles get even bigger

We are now on a net increase of 409 councillors, and the Conservatives have topped their worst case scenario of 1000 losses.

In Surrey Heath – an archetypal Blue Wall area straddling the Thames – we have taken control with 14 new seats coming to us, giving us 21 out of 35. That will give Michael Gove a huge headache tonight as it pretty much covers his constituency of the same name.

Wedged between Lib Dem Mole Valley and Chichester lies Horsham, newly turned bright gold with an increase of 15 councillors.

And we have taken control in Guildford, although some results are still pending.

Home Counties West Berkshire has also fallen into our laps with another superb net gain of 13 councillors. Us 29, them 14 is the score. Next door is South Oxfordshire which has also come to us – we can be sure of that even though there are still 6 seats to declare.

We are also now the largest party in nearby Wokingham, but not quite enough to take control directly.

We have now gained 12 Councils, and held many more. So far we have not lost any.

We are still awaiting the result of the Mayoral election in Bedford, which Dave Hodgson is defending.

And quick look at the BBC’s electoral map reveals that almost the entire bottom right hand corner of England is now under No Overall Control. Many of those Councils were previously held by Conservatives.

The Blue Wall is beginning to look like a Yellow Wall.


* Mary Reid is a contributing editor on Lib Dem Voice. She was a councillor in Kingston upon Thames, where she is still very active with the local party, and is the Hon President of Kingston Lib Dems.

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