Top of the Blogs: The Golden Dozen #82

Welcome to the 82nd of our weekly round-ups from the Lib Dem blogosphere, featuring the seven most popular stories according to click-throughs from the Aggregator (7th-13th September), together with a hand-picked quintet you might otherwise have missed. (This week’s selection comes to you live from the LDV cupboard in the Bournemouth conference centre, where the internet is a little wobbly, so ‘scuse any missing links).

How about starting with the most popular blog-posting, and we work our way down? Here goes:

1. Would President Lembit split the party? on Jeremy Hargreaves’ blog.
Will ‘armchair members’ vote for the guy they’ve heard of ahead of the Baroness who’s campaigning for it?

2. Top ten signs of a Lib Dem about to defect to the Tories on John’s Liberal Revolution blog.
Here’s number 1: “Is an MEP who didn’t make top of the Lib Dem list and has just cleared his office without a personal goodbye to his staff.” I can’t imagine who he’s referring to.

3. The Iain Dale meme… Signs You Are About to Defect to the Tories… on Lib Dem Voice.
A fantastic comments thread, with the added spice of Tory trolls displaying their profound wit and insight.

4. The uniqueness of the Welsh Liberal Democrats on Peter Black AM’s award-winning blog.
Stirring stuff from the winner of this year’s Tim Garden award for Best Lib Dem Blog by an Elected Representative.

5. Ros Scott – AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! on John’s Liberal Revolution blog.
The presidential race gets heated.

6. Groan…it’s Lembit again on Mark Gray’s Sprinkled liberally blog.
Yes, it’s Lembit and his segway: “Please think about the party before personal publicity ahead of your next stunt,” pleads Mark.

7. Losing the will to live: the anatomy of a Regional Executive meeting on Mark Valladares’ Liberal Bureaucracy blog.
(Sorry, Mark – your blog appears to be Banned in Bournemouth – please insert your own witty tag-line in the comments thread).

And now to the five slots we reserve under the category ‘well worth reading even if they didn’t get the most clicks this week’. Remember, if you do want to highlight a Lib Dem blog article published in the past seven days – your own, or someone else’s – all you have to do is drop me a line at [email protected] (providing the web-link and author, and any tagline comment you care to have published).

8. The new Lib Dem website is up: the good, the bad and the ugly… on Jo Christie-Smith’s blog.
It’s all shiny and new – well, what do you think of it?

9. Caroline Lucas – should the Lib Dems be worried?
on James Graham’s Quaequam Blog!
“Once they have their first MP how long will it be before they start getting significant support across the country?” A warning to the party to eat up the Greens.

10. Who are you calling a tart? on Sara Bedford’s blog.
“A predictably brilliant post from the Lib Dem Gooner,” says nominator Julian Harris.

11. Dunce of the Day – Andrew Lansley on James Schneider’s blog.
“A wonderfully vituperative post – I was delighted to see the ‘D’ hat awarded to Dave’s favourite paternalistic Tory”: Julian Harris, again.

12. Dear Betsan Powys, DROP IT. No Love, me.
on Steph Ashley’s Dib Lemming blog.
Backing Kirsty Williams AM for Welsh Lib Dem leader: “[she’s] a magnetic presence in cross-party debates as she passionately lays waste to the lies and the bland bull that spews from the mouths of the opposition so often.”

That’s it for this week. Happy blogging, and look out for next week’s Golden Dozen conference special.

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