‘Tis the season for lists… All this week we’ve published the top 100 posts by Lib Dem bloggers, in descending order of popularity, for the last year – August 2008 to July 2009, inclusive, according to click-throughs from the Aggregator.
(Profuse thanks to techno-wizard and stat-monkey Ryan Cullen for compiling this table.)
And now, at last, we come to this year’s Top 10:
1. The untrue story of Liberal Democrat conference (Jeremy Hargreaves)
2. Lib Dem President Elect sparks new poll! (Helen Duffett)
3. Clegg on expenses – but what should he do if Lib Dems are named and shamed? (Lib Dem Voice)
4. Is it time to sack Lord Rennard? (John Abrams)
5. Shadow cabinet reshuffle leaked – by Nick Clegg? (Lib Dem Voice)
6. Clegg: This had better not be true… (Martin Land)
7. Neil Trafford passes away (Lib Dem Voice)
8. Would President Lembit split the party? (Jeremy Hargreaves)
9. Arrogant, Careless and Deeply Concerning; Nick Clegg attacks members of his own shadow cabinet! The … (Andrew Lewin)
10. Re: Nick Clegg in the Mirror: In Which I Press the Self- Destruct Button (Jennie Rigg)
Top of the Blogs: The Golden Ton (Nos. 81-100)
Top of the Blogs: The Golden Ton (Nos. 61-80)
Top of the Blogs: The Golden Ton (Nos. 41-60)
Top of the Blogs: The Golden Ton (Nos. 21-40)
Top of the Blogs: The Golden Ton (Nos. 11-20)
With thanks to all Lib Dem bloggers for making the last year such a memorable one.
it’s a mark of the great contribution Neil Trafford made to the party that his passing has featured so often in these lists – gone, but not forgotten.
I’ll echo Rob’s comment, and also note that the top posts all talk about internal party matters. Some good posts right through, but looking at the four of mine that made it into the top 100, I wouldn’t place them as four of my best posts.
Final Scores on the Doors
Lib Dem Voice: 10
James Graham: 9
Alex Wilcock: 8
Peter Black: 7
John Abrams: 5
Mark Valladares: 5
Helen Duffett: 4
Costigan Quist: 4
Martin Land: 3
Sara Bedford: 3
Jonathan Calder: 3
Irfan Ahmed: 3
Darrell Goodliffe: 3
Anders Hanson: 3
Jennie Rigg: 2
Jeremy Hargreaves: 2
Jonathan Fryer: 2
Alex Folkes: 2
Duncan Borrowman: 2
Paul Walter: 2
Andrew Lewin: 1
Steve Cooke: 1
Andrew Porrer: 1
Barrie Wood: 1
Jock Coats: 1
Andy Strange: 1
Antony Hook: 1
Huw Dawson: 1
Liberal Vision: 1
Julian Harris: 1
Bernard Salmon: 1
Alasdair Wood: 1
Ruaraidh Dobson: 1
Linda Jack: 1
Nich Starling: 1
Charlotte Gore: 1
David Walker: 1
Jonathan Wallace: 1
Using the Valladares Method (only including the blogs he’s already calculated for – I suspect the only person that affects is Helen Duffett):
644 Lib Dem Voice
399 Alex Wilcock
397 Peter Black
332 James Graham
300 Mark Valladares
239 John Abrams
197 Irfan Ahmed
193 Jeremy Hargreaves
193 Darrell Goodliffe
186 Anders Hansen
135 Sara Bedford
Whichever way you calculate it I’m surprised to be so high up in the rankings. Cool.
On the Valladares method, I make me 204. Not bad for a very irregular blogger.