Welcome to the Golden Dozen, and our 262nd weekly round-up from the Lib Dem blogosphere … Featuring the seven most popular stories beyond Lib Dem Voice according to click-throughs from the Aggregator (19-25 February, 2012), together with a hand-picked quintet, normally courtesy of LibDig, you might otherwise have missed.
Don’t forget: you can sign up to receive the Golden Dozen direct to your email inbox — just click here — ensuring you never miss out on the best of Lib Dem blogging.
As ever, let’s start with the most popular post, and work our way down:
1. Lord Bonkers’ Diary: Welcoming Ruth Davidson by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England.
A Bonkers welcome for the new leader of the Scottish Conservatives.
2. Report on my meeting with Jenny Willott by George Potter on The Potter Blogger.
When George Met Jenny (to discuss the Welfare Reform Bill).
3. Lib Dem candidate invokes Godwin’s Law in fundraising letter by Dan Falchikov on Living on words alone.
A Lib Dem candidate for the London Assembly emails members to urge them to keep out the BNP. (Neil Stockley offers the opposite opinion in 11, below.)
4. What are the Lib Dems doing about the missing 700? on The Rambles of Neil Monnery.
Neil wants to see more support from HQ for the councillors who lost their seats last May.
5. ***BREAKING*** Sky confirm Eric Joyce arrested on suspicion of assault by Stephen Glenn on Stephen’s Liberal Journal.
On the Labour’s arrest after a bar brawl in Parliament.
6. Dollis Hill by-election – a good canvassing tip and a piece of computing history on Mark Pack’s blog.
Canvassers should hunt in packs, says Mark.
7. Making sense of the new factions and understanding the potential threats to party unity by Matthew Gibson on Solution Focused Politics.
Group polarisation could be risky.
And now to the five blog-posts that come highly recommended, regardless of the number of Aggregator click-throughs they attracted. These are normally chosen using the LibDig bookmarking website for party members, the site where you can highlight blog-posts you want to share with your fellow Lib Dems. Remember, though, you’re still more than welcome to nominate for the Golden Dozen a Lib Dem blog article published in the past seven days – your own, or someone else’s – using the steam-powered method of e-mail … all you have to do is drop a line to [email protected].
8. Cycling round on Mary Reid’s blog.
“I think I’ve found my favourite Conservative councillor.” (Submitted by markpack via LibDig.)
9. Parliamentary Motion on Press Trans Intrusion (You can help!) by Zoe O’Connell on Complicity.
“A Parliamentary Early Day Motion – the MPs method of saying “down with this sort of thing” – has been started. It was proposed by Caroline Lucas (Green) and seconded by Julian Huppert (Liberal Democrat) and Mark Durkan (Labour) so has cross-party support already, with the topic being the Sun’s attempts to hunt down the trans man who recently gave birth.” (Submitted by zoeimogen via LibDig.)
10. Are you fit to work? by Caron Lindsay on Caron’s Musings.
“Caron’s glad about what Steve Webb and Jenny Willott have achieved with the Welfare Reform Bill but is afraid it really doesn’t go far enough.” (Submitted by GeorgeWPotter via LibDig.)
11. Shock! Lib Dem candidate for London Assembly has a compelling narrative by Neil Stockley.
“Shas Sheehan’s e-mail makes the narrative real by offering Lib Dem supporters a clear choice. The subject line reads: “Do you want me or the BNP?””
12. Emlyn Hooson on Eric Avebury’s blog.
Lord Avebury marks the passing of his friend and ally for over fifty years.
And that’s it for another week. Happy blogging ‘n’ reading ‘n’ nominating.
<a href="https://www.libdemvoice.org/top-of-the-blogs-the-lib-dem-golden-dozen-262-27294.html"><img src="https://www.libdemvoice.org/images/golden-dozen.png" width="200" height="57" alt="Featured on Liberal Democrat Voice" title="Featured on Liberal Democrat Voice" /></a>