Welcome to the Golden Dozen, and our 546th weekly round-up from the Lib Dem blogosphere … Featuring the five most popular stories beyond Lib Dem Voice according to click-throughs from the Aggregator (7-13 April, 2019), together with a hand-picked seven you might otherwise have missed.
Don’t forget: you can sign up to receive the Golden Dozen direct to your email inbox — just click here — ensuring you never miss out on the best of Lib Dem blogging.
As ever, let’s start with the most popular post, and work our way down:
1. Labour only just hang on in Lambeth by-election by Mark Pack on Mark Pack .
A massive swing to the Lib Dems.
2. The rather sad story of the Lib Dems by David Boyle on Radix .
A challenge to the party to develop a message for the nation as a whole.
3. It’s those b*****s down there that I can’t stand by Richard Kemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?.
Urging Liverpool to chuck out Labour councillors to send a message to Corbyn to stop helping Theresa May.
4. Voting intention opinion polls scorecard. Three firms put Tories under 30% by Mark Pack on Mark Pack.
Labour aren’t doing that much better, either.
5.Now the Queen is a Remoaner traitor by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England.
Jonathan is very charitable about those politicians who suggest that the Queen should withhold assent from the Cooper Letwin Bill.
And now to the seven blog-posts that come highly recommended, regardless of the number of Aggregator click-throughs they attracted. To nominate a Lib Dem blog article published in the past seven days – your own, or someone else’s, all you have to do is drop a line to [email protected]. You can also contact us via Twitter, where we’re @libdemvoice
6. 2011 and all that by Jen Yockney on Either/And.
Would we have Brexit if we had all voted for AV back in 2011?
7. Day 6676: Europe the final countdown (again) by Richard Flowers on The Very Fluffy Diary of Millennium Dome, Elephant.
Calling on Theresa to save the country to spite the ERG. And a cracking Doctor Who video.
8. Does Britain really crave a strong leader by Nick Barlow on Medium.com.
Nick argues that we have a pattern of flirting with authoritarianism because of the way our political system is made up.
9. Let’s Tag with TIG in Europe by James King on King in Kilburn
We’ll win more MEPs and scupper Farage’s party if we work together..
10. We could learn a few lessons from Switzerland by Andrew Page on A Scottish Liberal
Aaargh – more referenda. But how to do it properly.
11. Diary Day 929: Please do not waste the time by Josephine Hayes on Remainer’s Diary.
A summary of this week’s events, from Cooper Letwin – and a reminder that the EU election is not yet set in stone.
12. No, Mr Assange, in this country no-one is above the law by Richard Kemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?.
And that’s it for another week. Happy blogging ‘n’ reading ‘n’ nominating.
<a href="https://www.libdemvoice.org/top-of-the-blogs-the-lib-dem-golden-dozen-546-60532.html"><img src="https://www.libdemvoice.org/images/golden-dozen.png" width="200" height="57" alt="Featured on Liberal Democrat Voice" title="Featured on Liberal Democrat Voice" /></a>
* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings