Vince: Trump state visit would be “completely wrong” after Charlottesville comments

“Fine people on both sides” said Donald Trump of the horrific events in Charlottesville at the weekend. I suspect most of you reading this site will, like me, utterly reject the notion that you can go to a demo, stand on the same side as people carrying swastikas and dressing kids up in KKK costume and be a “fine person.”

Vince Cable has condemned Trump’s remarks and has renewed Liberal Democrat calls for the offer of a State visit to be withdrawn.

He said:

The events of the last few days have shocked and appalled the entire world.

Images of Nazis, marching in American streets, terrorist attacks on peaceful protestors. Every world leader should be able to condemn that.

Donald Trump’s response to these tragic events has been shocking.

He has shown that he is unable to detach himself from the extreme-right and racial supremacists.

The fact he remains highly dependent on White House advisors from the extreme-right shows he is firmly anchored in this detestable worldview.

It would be completely wrong to have this man visit the UK on a State Visit.

The government should be following the far more prudent example to relations with the US President set by Angela Merkel in Germany.

Tim Farron first called for the State visit offer to be withdrawn in the wake of Trump’s first attempt at a travel ban the week after he entered the White House.

It is pretty awful to have a Government that is so dependent on the hope of a trade deal that they won’t condemn the way he has reacted. We’ve spent the last 70 years at the heart of an organisation that has fought for human rights and democracy across the world. Now we are going to be entering a period of excessive pandering to all sorts of dodgy characters because we need their trade and will probably have to take it on whatever terms they demand. It will be a far cry from the days when we could roll up with 27 of our mates and tell them to get lost with their chlorinated chicken. 

There is no room for equivocation in reaction to the events of Charlotteville. We should be looking at how we can prevent that level of hatred extending its grip. It’s about tackling prejudice against Muslims, the disabled, immigrants, benefit claimants, LGBT people and other marginalised groups wherever we see it.

I’m glad that Tom Brake, Wera Hobhouse and Meral Ice were among the Liberal Democrat signatories of the letter demanding action over that appallingly Islamophobic editorial in The Sun.  

It’s only a couple of weeks since the Sunday Times had to withdraw a column containing anti-semitic remarks that should never have seen the light of day. It’s so shocking that none of the people who would have had to have seen that before publication sensed the danger.

People should not feel that airing these sorts of views is in any way acceptable and should be challenged at every turn.

* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings

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