Eight blogs have recently joined my Liberal Democrat Blogs aggregator:
- Thomas Oliver – http://politunnel.blogspot.com/
- Jamie McConkey – http://jamiemcconkey.wordpress.com/
- Victoria Lubbock – http://lubbock1884.blogspot.com/
- Olga Ivannikova – http://olgaivannikova.wordpress.com/
- Fernando North – http://libdemferdy.blogspot.com/
- Liberal Democrats in Northern Ireland – http://libdemsni.wordpress.com/
- Danny Langley – http://charlatonia.wordpress.com/
- Michael Carchrie Campbell – http://gyronny.wordpress.com/
Good luck to all the new bloggers, and why not take a moment to pop over to their blogs, take a read and post a comment?
Do you know of a blog by a LibDem which isn’t listed? Why not get them to add it as well?
Whether you are one of these new bloggers or someone who has been on the aggregator for rather longer, why not add you blog to the Wikio Directory? It’s a simple online form, gives your own blog a little more publicity and adding your blog means any links you make to other blogs helps raise them up the Wikio rankings.
Whether you are a new or experience blogger yourself, you may also find our compilation of “how to blog” posts useful: