Willie Rennie has delivered his final rallying call of the Council campaign in Scotland. Every council seat in the country is up for grabs today.
This is what he had to say:
It is incredibly important that everyone has their say on who they want to represent their community.
Every Liberal Democrat Councillor will be a local champion that communities deserve. They will work all year round, not just at election time. Despite the Greens and the SNP wanting to put independence back to the top of the agenda, Liberal Democrats will serve to deliver the improvements to local services that we need.
Our plan for a strong economy and a fair society contrasts with the reckless hard-Brexit of the Conservatives and the divisive approach of the nationalists.
People across Scotland face a very simple choice. Do they want SNP cheerleaders or true local champions that will fix the potholes on your roads, put education as a priority and make sure our local services are well funded. I know what I would choose.
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To all our candidates: May the 4th (be with you)