Young, liberal and free?

The Young Liberals are delighted to finally announce the dates and preliminary agenda for our Online Conference, which will take place between Sunday 19th and Sunday 26th July.

We’ve had over 150 people pre-register and near 40 submissions, making this by far the largest conference we will ever have held! The conference will be totally free for Young Liberals members, including those between 26-30 who have opted in (which you can do here). This is a really exciting opportunity for policy debates, socialising with other Young Liberals and some great speakers.

You can sign up to Conference here!

There are plenty of ways you can still get involved with policy at conference, including submitting amendments, making speeches and some opportunities to propose/summate motions. The deadline for amendments to motions and constitutional amendments is 1pm on the 5th July! Please direct all amendments or any other questions to me at [email protected].

Additionally, we are looking for some people to help in the Chairing and Aiding of debates, you obviously have to be a Young Liberals member to do this and it will be very selective in who we choose, but if you would be at all interested in doing this, please contact me at the above email.

Take a look at the preliminary agenda, which includes all the motions and constitutional amendments.

Finally, for a guide to Young Liberals Policy, including how to draft an amendment, please take a look at our policy guide.

See you at Conference (sort of)!

* James Bliss is the Secretary of the South Central Liberal Democrats, the English Young Liberals Policy Officer and an activist in Oxford West and Abingdon.

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This entry was posted in Events.


  • Peter Martin 30th Jun '20 - 8:35am

    I notice the first item on the agenda is about minimum pricing on alcohol.

    Why not just increase the excise duty on alcohol if the motivation is to decrease alcohol consumption? We don’t discourage cigarette smoking by forcing the tobacco companies to have a minimum price for cigarettes, so why do it differently for alcohol?

  • It’s apparent that whoever drafted that particular motion isn’t familiar with the evidence compiled by Sheffield University. Not impressed.

  • John Marriott 30th Jun '20 - 9:11am

    Back in 1970 Bob and Marcia had a hit record with a Nina Simone song written in the 1950s called “Young gifted and black”. The second line runs; “Oh what a lovely precious dream”. I suppose that could equally be the next line to James Bliss’s heading.

  • James Bliss 30th Jun '20 - 1:01pm

    On MUP, YL has a long history of opposing it on principle and now the new motion obviously seeks to pair that with the lack of evidence of it working. I’m not going to get into the debate on this myself here, since it’s a motion before conf, but I don’t think it’s quite as simple as just “oh well look at this one study”. The opposition is in significant part down to the principle and who it hits the hardest, ontop of it not working.

  • James Bliss 30th Jun '20 - 1:07pm

    I’d also just politely point out this wasn’t “James Bliss’ heading” and was one given to the article by LDvoice and not the one I had in mind…

  • We should have a minimum price for cigs.
    Evidence gathering is time consuming. Not always got the patience to do the research.. For the young these are lessons they have to learn and achieve.
    ‘Young gifted and black’ (and white, yellow and any other you can think of). The young do dream of a better life, nowt wrong with that.They are the future and will learn lessons in life. After reality steps in does not mean that those dreams have to go. We have to regain that radicalness for the party.

  • Sue Sutherland 1st Jul '20 - 1:47pm

    Excellent news about the conference James. Some of us old fogeys welcome being challenged by youthful radicalism. Please carry on the good work.

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