As the dust begins to settle after the Leadership Election (and many congratulations to Jo and commiserations to Ed) there will, as usual, be time for some self-evaluation and reflection for the party, even if the other leadership election that’s happened means there might be a bit less of it than normal!
With that in mind I only have one thing to add to everything else that will be going on in the coming days and that’s a note of thanks to Jo and Ed for their unwavering support for trans people during the Leadership election. You both stood by us, unswervingly, even when it led to you getting so much abuse for that stance. It would have been so easy to step back and dial it down. To make vague equivocal noises about supporting equality. To throw us under the bus as we have been so many times before. Thank you for not doing the easy thing.
Both Jo and Ed showed yet again that the real essence of liberalism is doing the right thing and not the easy thing. Giving trans people a place to feel welcomed and at home at a time when we are so under attack in the media and everywhere we go was definitely not the easy thing for either of you to do. It has meant so much to the trans people I know in the party (and even quite a few outside it) to see you both prove that you will stand with us against those attacks, which frankly makes us unique as a party, and show conclusively that there is no place for bigotry and transphobia in the Liberal Democrats.
At a time when every other party has been backing down in the face of those attacks, you both stepped forward. Thank you for proving beyond a doubt that whatever your differences and whatever the future brings we have had a choice between two true liberals.
* Charley joined the Lib Dems in 2010, has stood in Local elections in Stoke on Trent and London and was PPC for Eltham in the 2019 General Election and a GLA list candidate in 2021. They have been a Youth Worker, Early Years Teaching Assistant and FE College Governor. They are currently an Emergency Services Worker in London and Chair of LGBT+ Lib Dems.
As this article makes clear, particularly this quote from Jo:
“Any leader of the Liberal Democrats should be prepared to make clear, repeatedly and unambiguously, that trans rights are human rights. I’m a feminist and I’m still insulted that I’m told again and again by the national media that I can’t believe both in women’s rights and that trans women are women and should be protected by them too. The level of debate has, quite frankly, become harmful and disturbing and shows no sign of stopping.”
The debate on this subject that leads to the excellent thanks in this article from Charley, for the terrific work of Ed and Jo, reminds me of my support as a young Catholic youth years ago, for women priests. It takes a lot of doing and discussion but you know you are correct , if others do not get it!
Another who defends LGBT and particularly has stuck her neck out in a difficult role has just been sacked by the new pm , Penny Mordaunt. A fine woman and good person, a moderate Brexiteer and a social liberal, she made the now apparent mistake of , backing Jeremy Hunt! A loss for decent and modern views.