A letter to the Daily Mirror regarding MPs whose former partners now work as prostitutes

Dear Will Payne at the Daily Mirror,

If you’re going to run a big exposé about how an MP’s wife is working as a prostitute, do you think it might be worth mentioning before the very last line of the article that the couple separated in February (before the MP in question had even entered Parliament)?

I realise that, had you made it clearer, it would have been obvious that you only ran the story in a cheap and rather sad  attack on the Tories, and to have the excuse to print pictures of the woman in question in her underwear.

I also appreciate that, had you mentioned it earlier, it would have been obvious you were suggesting a man should control the actions of his wife after they’ve separated, a view I suspect not everyone in your Labour party would share.

Perhaps you’d like to explain what actions you think the MP in question should have taken.  Do you perhaps think he should have spent his time stalking his ex-partner on the off-chance that she might have become a prostitute and then, upon discovering the truth, confronted her Victorian patriarch-style with a “what will the tabloids think” speech?

I know the standard of your journalism over the last few months hasn’t exactly been stellar, from your paper’s comical interpretation of opinion polls in the General Election onwards.  And, with a certain story about William Hague also doing the rounds, you may simply be working hard to retain your position as the paper with the lowest standards in Britain.

But, if I may make a suggestion, there is another way.

Plenty of newspapers and magazines manage to print pictures of women in (and out of) their underwear without running bizarre stories attacking MPs, so if that’s what you want to do then go ahead and do it.  Your arch rival The Sun, for all its faults, is at least honest and up front about that one.

And there are many opportunities to oppose and attack the government without exposing yourselves as a dodgy rag devoid of even the slightest whiff of journalistic principle.


Iain Roberts

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  • Andrea Gill 5th Sep '10 - 10:00am

    Whose, not who’s

  • Forlornehope 5th Sep '10 - 10:15am

    Yes “The Sun” is definitely “up front” about that one.

  • The Mirror’s report on Cyril Smith’s death was pretty unpleasant too.

  • Iain why do you feel the need to rush to the defence of every Tory that comes under attack from the media? Why the need to mention the Labour party, in connection with this story? You might as well just join the Tory party, or get Clegg to speed up the amalgamation.

  • Instead of focussing on a minor story about a minor MP, I’d be more worried about the New York Times investigation in the the Prime Minister’s communications director. This is somebody who is accused of having knowledge of, and encouraging, the use of illegal methods to access other peoples voicemail, including that of former cabinet ministers. Do you want to endorse a government which employs such people (and pays them more than the deputy PM) in important roles?

  • Ha, I didn’t accuse you of not covering it (although he has been described as a ‘Tory’ and ‘David Cameron’s’ – accurate, but unreflective of the fact he ultimately works for the coalition), just that some unpleasantness from The Mirror isn’t the most pressing issue concerning press conduct at the moment.

  • Kehaar, fair points. Not sure comparisons with Staines work though, that was about innuendo in the place of evidence used to smear a politician, nobody is denying the facts presented by The Mirror and you can make an argument (not necessarily one I’d agree with) that it is in the public interest to know if events in an MP’s private life impairs their ability to adequately represent their constituents.

  • Strange that Mr Roberts is so exercised over this Tory MP but not the one at Sandwell who defected to Labour. A story with much more purely ‘political’ relevance I would have thought.

  • Yes, before anyone points it out I realize that the Tory at Sandwell who defected was a councillor, not an MP!

  • Have to agree with you Mack. You would think that as Iain is a prominent local councillor local political news would be of interest to him. Whether in his ‘back-yard’ or not.

  • Mark Pack, thanks for the reply – but when writing a story about prostitutes it’s hardly tenuous to consider a woman in their underwear a suitable illustration! Even the high minded broadsheets do it on occasion.

  • Anthony Aloysius St 5th Sep '10 - 7:02pm

    “Iain why do you feel the need to rush to the defence of every Tory that comes under attack from the media?”

    This is starting to get rather noticeable. Especially considering the glee with which the LDV staff used to post every little bit of dirt they could find relating to Tory politicians, great and small.

  • The mirror is just as bad a paper as the Mail, in fact for actual lies they may be ahead.
    They ran a story shortly after the election about how Mrs Cameron was insisting on a new kitchen at No 10 and what a waste of public money this was. Didn’t mention of course that the Camerons were paying for it themselves.
    Only a matter of time before their lie machine turns on the lib dems.

  • Let’s face it the Mirror is just a poor person’s version of `Pravda`. It’s full of Labour hacks that bow down to Ali Campbell every morning.

    People ask me `why not join Labour?` – it’s this sort of very tribal arrogant and brutalistic attack (which I had to endure when I stepped down from the Council for having the temerity to ask their local leader a question at Full Council) that would stop me from EVER joining them. Why should we be surprised though when they act like children and don’t engage with the electorate on economic matters?

  • matthew fox 6th Sep '10 - 7:02am

    Well I suppose attacking the Daily Mirror, is the only thing left for the Lib Dems. It is nice to know, they are on the same page as Rupert Murdoch.

  • Labour supporters are very very very tribal shock, horror.

    That’s the only possible conclusion from reading any comments on any website on any political story at the moment.

  • When Labour were in power they were being individually villified by the media day after day. I didn’t notice the Blue and Orange Tories protesting about journalistic standards then. Now it’s happening to you and you don’t like it. Tough! Welcome to Grown Ups land! If you want to close down Labour’s only supportive newspaper why don’t you have the guts to say so?

  • @Andrew Tennant

    …..insight into the emotional response of Labour members and the flaws of their psyche.

    Is that of every member? And you lot have the cheek to accuse Labour members of collective bile.

    And before anyone mentions it, yes I can see the irony of my comment!

  • @Mark Pack

    I didn’t realize that this excellent site existed until the Orange Tories formed a pact with the Blue Tories.

    @Stephen W

    The implication is that the story should have been spiked — i.e. closed down.

  • @ Andrew Tennant

    You should have taught on some of the housing estates that I experienced. The people there were all very adult and their name calling would have made some of the rarefied, senior common room types who post on this site run for the hills. Get real.

  • Terry Gilbert 8th Sep '10 - 9:21pm

    In fact the Mirror alleges that Weatherley’s wife worked as a prostitute in Brazil before she married him, so there is a tad more legitimacy in the story than Iain Roberts alleges. But not much, assuming you are genuinely liberal. Might embarrass stuffier Tories, though, who may well call Weatherley’s judgement into question.

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