ALDC’s Local Campaigner magazine is out – essential reading for those interested in #libdemfightback

I’ve long said that ALDC (the Association of Lib Dem Councillors and Campaigners) is pretty much essential for anyone involved in Liberal Democrat campaigns. Of course, I would say that, because I’ve been a member of the organisation for a long time. But even with that interest declared, I’m sure most people would agree that they have loads of practical advice and campaign ideas and will be a vital part of ensuring that activists have the skills to fight future campaigns.

Today the Autumn edition of their Local Campaigner magazine arrived with members. It’s full of really interesting articles including:

  • How to welcome new members to the party, by Neil Fawcett
  • Engaging the community in developing a neighbourhood plan
  • Tips to make door-knocking enjoyable and productive, with high-quality contacts that are more than about voter ID
  • How we won a double by-election in Surrey
  • A commentary on the Calais crisis by Tim Pickstone, ALDC’s Chief Executive.

It’s that latter article that had me punching the air a bit. Tim argued that our liberal, humanitarian stance may not always be popular, but it’s important that we are get out there and campaign on it:

Our job on the ground will be to campaign on issues, popular and unpopular, local to international. Every conversation we have and every mind we can change will be another step towards the more liberal society we so clearly need.

There is also a plug for their Kickstart training events. They have evidence that campaign teams who participate in these weekend residential events are more successful in their elections. There are two such weekends in England this year, in September and November and a one-day event in Scotland, also in November. If you go, you will get tailored, professional advice for your campaign. It’s well worth thinking about.

ALDC’s website has a wealth of practical information on every aspect of running an election campaign, including template artwork that you can customise for your own area. Have a look, and if you like what you see, why not join them?





* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings

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  • Eddie Sammon 21st Aug '15 - 2:24pm

    Good article and yes, it does sound interesting!

  • Stand by your beds for a shock from Theakes!.
    I have to report that I I was most encouraged by Thursdays four local by election results. Moving position upwards in all seats was good, the real sign of a party starting to move forward is not the odd exciting win here and there, at this stage it is the general consistent movement up from third fourth, fifth place and getting ahead of the Greens and UKIP.

  • In one result the Liberal Democrat candidate came from nowhere to within 15 votes of winning and in some seats the UKIP vote collapsed although there was a slight increase in the Green vote in one ward.

  • Richard Underhill 22nd Aug '15 - 7:36pm

    We have a local fightback in Southborough North. Please contact candidate Trevor Poile @trevorpoile.
    [email protected]. 01892 531108. No Labour candidate, no Green. Polling 10/9/2015.

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