The next Scottish Parliament election on 6 May 2021 will be a major test for the Scottish Liberal Democrats. With some recent polls suggesting increased support for Scotland leaving the United Kingdom the stakes could not be higher.
We opposed Brexit and oppose Scotland leaving the United Kingdom. Another independence referendum would be a massive distraction from sorting out the problems Scotland faces.
We must continue to make the passionate, emotional and economical case for a reformed United Kingdom. People want to vote for success, for hope of a better future and for people who aspire to make a difference. We need to show how using the existing powers of the Scottish Parliament will enable Scotland to be built back better.
The Scottish Party is about to consult members about the shape of our 2021 manifesto. It is worth setting out a handful of ideas that could, if the Scottish Government devoted its whole attention to them, make Scotland a fairer, greener and more prosperous place to live and do so by giving more power to local communities.
In 2017 the First Minister declared that education was her “top priority”, but Scottish schools have declined in international rankings and the Scottish Government has failed to meet its own targets for the provision of nursery places. The damage done to our education system will reduce the opportunities available to our children and hold our country back.
The Liberal Democrats long campaigned for a penny on Income Tax for education. We should actually make Education the top priority for government once again. Education is our way to a high-wage, high-skill economy where inequality becomes largely a thing of the past. It is a scandal that most of Scotland’s secondary schools only allow children to take six subjects at Nat5 level (the equivalent of GSCE in England). That must change.
We could give more power to schools and colleges, local school clusters and councils to come up with new ideas that meet local needs and help raise attainment. In an environment where the UK Government is talking of increased public spending, we could use Barnet consequentials to increase school budgets, recruit more teachers and support staff and make the Pupil Equity Fund (the Scottish equivalent of the Pupil Premium) permanent and more effective. Scotland used to legitimately claim to have one of the best education systems in the world. We need to recover that reputation.
The pandemic has shown how our society pushes stress and risk onto the shoulders of those who find it harder to bear. The Scottish Liberal Democrats have long campaigned for reform of mental health provision, so it is treated with the same urgency as physical health. We should make that change. Holyrood must also make a massive investment in new affordable and social housing to end homelessness and ensure that everyone lives in the home they need. We should simplify and speed up the programme to insulate every home in Scotland, cut carbon emissions and end fuel poverty.