Author Archives: LY Working Group on Further Education

Liberal Youth seeks your views on improving further education

LY campaigning in WestonYesterday Nick Clegg made an announcement on Further Education. This is a response from members of Liberal Youth’s working group on Further Education.

Nick Clegg’s announcement yesterday was largely focussed on improving careers advice, severely damaged as a result of the scrapping of Connexions, and giving those who haven’t gone to Higher Education an equal chance to those who have. Nick talked about creating a ‘one stop shop’ website for 16 year olds to help them plan their next move, similar to UCAS but will include information about apprenticeships, …

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  • Peter Davies
    It is possible to maintain a single lock based on indexing to average income provided you adjust the retirement age to maintain the ratio of pensioners to worki...
  • Craig Levene
    Biden had the leverage to stop this slaughter so much earlier. The man deserves zero credit....
  • Nick Baird
    Surely the real problem with affordability of the state pension is the increasing number of pensioners and the worsening ratio of pension-age vs working people?...
  • David Evans
    Hi Anthony, Thanks for the info. The only question is why didn't the Lib Dems make opposing the bus lane our issue? When I've been on it, the A4 through Salt...
  • Anthony Acton
    Geoff - exactly the situation here. Also, the winning independent was a local parish councillor campaigning against a controversial plan for a bus lane on the b...