There’s no Lib Dem representative on tonight’s Question Time (BBC1 and online, 10.35 pm GMT) – but liberalism will be represented, at least to some degree, by Shami Chakrabati, director of Liberty (and, more importantly, the original LDV Liberal Voice of the Year 2007).
Shami will appear alongside Labour’s Transport Secretary Geoff Hoon (the man who somehow, miraculously, escaped being sacked as defence secretary following the David Kelly affair), Conservative shadow work and pensions secretary Theresa May (who somehow, miraculously, escaped being sacked from the shadow cabinet for general inspidness), the leader of the UK Independence Party Nigel Farage (watch those eyes swivel once the EU’s mentioned), and singer and actor Will Young (a budding Lib Dem?).
And for those who are staying up extra late for BBC1’s This Week, Billy Bragg, Andrew Rawnsley and Jamelia (yes, really) will be on hand to lighten the atmosphere alongside Andrew Neil, Michael Portillo and Diane Abbott.
If you’re tuning in to watch, remember: don’t get angry, get commenting.
Will Young?!
Ed Davey was supposed to be on, but he’s not there.
Will Young has a politics degree.
I’m quite impressed by Will Young – he speaks rather hesitantly, but he’s been pretty much putting the liberal case.
Shami Chakrabati’s not being as liberal a voice as she might be, though… I thought she was nauseatingly trying to have her cake and eat it over the anti-foreigner strikes. Praising unions for having nothing to do with the BNP, indeed – surely if they agree with the BNP’s policies, but have no truck with the actual party, that’s just hypocrisy. Does Liberty get trade union funding?
I agree with Alex that Will Young came over well, and came across as very genuine.
I thought Hoon was dreadful, from his rubbish about not being prepared for snow right through to so obviously refusing to answer the point on torture.
Are our people explaining what happened to Ed Davey?
Dimbleby announced him last week and the BBC programme schedule had him in.
Surely the Beeb did not dump him for Nigel Farage who wasn’t mentioned in advance publicity. I think we should be told.
I was interested to hear the audience member suggest we could fund extra snow work by cutting pensions for councillors.
My authority is being abolished in April and my 26 years of service comes to an end.
Where do I apply for my pension?
@Elizabeth, it is quite likely that Ed Davey was dumped by the beeb so that they could have Farage and Chakrabati on in reponse to the ‘British jobs for British workers’ protests