Carmichael behind in first major test since becoming Secretary of State for Scotland

We all know that Secretary of State for Scotland Alistair Carmichael likes a social drink or two, although as he says himself  “please do not take this to mean that I have any sort of addiction issue.” So many of his friends were surprised when he decided to take part in Macmillan Cancer Relief’s Go Sober for October fundraising campaign.

The ante was considerably upped during the first week when his old friend, ace campaigner and party legend Sheila Ritchie, decided on a Twitter whim to take part as well and challenged Alistair to a competition to see which of them could raise the most money.

This, of course, was all before Alistair was promoted to the Cabinet. Imagine having to face Theresa May, Chris Grayling and Iain Duncan Smith without being able to have a wee dram.

We aren’t half way through October yet, but at the time of writing, Sheila is some £300 ahead of Alistair, with £1025 pledged to his £710.

carmichael and teddy bearThey both talked about this on Facebook yesterday. First, Alistair was in combative form.

Harumph! You take your eye the ball for a few days – to run the country as it happens, so nothing frivolous – and what happens? People take advantage that is what happens. I would have LOVED a dram to celebrate my new job this week but I resisted. Now, what do I find? I only find that Sheila Ritchie is miles ahead in the donations to MacMillan Cancer Care. Talk about taking liberties.

So, Facebook friends, do not let this disgraceful behaviour go unpunished. Get along to my page and get donating.

Anyone would think all this talk of him being a bruiser had gone to his head. We know the truth about him, though. The camera never lies, after all.

Sheila responded in the same style:

OK, Guys. After taking his eye off the ball, and disappearing from the electronic world, with some spurious excuse about running the country, the Rt Hon. Alistair Carmichael MP, Secretary of State for Scotland (I can’t say/type that without giggling) has rejoined the electronic world and is trolling/trawling for donations. Give what happened on Monday with all those people sooking in to the newly elevated, this is quite serious.

Help, please. If you were thinking of donating, can you do it now? Like NOW? Please.

And please share this with all your FB friends.

Noblesse desoblige, donchaknow?

This could get very entertaining as the month progresses. Here at Liberal Democrat Voice we aren’t taking sides. Well, maybe we are. Everyone knows someone who has been helped by the wonderful care that Macmillan Cancer Relief offers and the more money raised for them the better. We simply encourage you to donate to either or both of our plucky challengers.

Alistair’s page is here.

Sheila’s page is here.

Surely it is not unreasonable to think that they might raise £5,000 between them?

We’ll keep you posted on the running totals and of any entertainment along the way. We do rather wish that Liberal Democrat Voice ran its own distillery and could offer a bottle of our finest to the winner at the end of the month. Maybe that’s a development project for the future.

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