Tomorrow we’ve got a new guest editor running the site for a day, Scottish Lib Dem blogger Caron Lindsay. She’s the third in our series of guest editors, following Mark Valladares and Linda Jack.
I’m really looking forward to reading the posts Caron’s already talked about having ready to publish. Do come back tomorrow and see how Caron adds a different perspective and touch from the usual on here.
We have a couple more guest slots lined up later this year already but if anyone else would like to be a guest editor for the day, please drop an email to [email protected] with some details of your blogging or editing experience.
Good luck with that Caron you have a lot of anger dissapointment and horrible realisation to cope with.
Ha ha.
Little ray of sunshine, aren’t you?
Dont shoot the messenger read some of the threads.
He he.
Well, I’m looking forward to it, so see you all in the morning.