Category Archives: Readers’ Editor

Readers’ Editor – comments, need it all be so difficult?

OwlAs promised, this is the first ‘occasional musing’ on our website and how it works. Feel free to join in…

The recent decision by ‘Popular Science’, a long-established American magazine, to, for the most part, simply ban comments from the majority of its online content was a dramatic response to the difficulties brought about when you try to maintain a civil discourse on an interactive website such as Liberal Democrat Voice. And if they thought that scientists could be feisty, they have nothing on the politically active.

Also posted in Readers' Editor and Site news | Tagged and | 47 Comments

Readers’ Editor – some thoughts from the first month or so

OwlSo, I’ve been in post for a few weeks now, and I thought that I really ought to give you a taste of some of the issues that have arisen so far.

Is it fair to judge someone’s performance whilst they’re on maternity, paternity or long-term ill health leave?

This question did spur some slightly guilty reflection on my part. Childless by choice, and with little experience of the impact of either children of long term ill-health on one’s ability to function, it had never crossed my mind that, by including someone who …

Also posted in Readers' Editor and Site news | Tagged and | 6 Comments

Recent Comments

  • Katharine Pindar
    Suzanne, I absolutely agree with you, and am shocked that I am not aware of a statement from our party condemning the new policy of people deemed to have entere...
  • Paul R
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    The strange aspect is that the UK functioned relatively better, in terms of getting houses built, labour intensive industries, much bigger numbers in the armed ...
  • Linda Chung
    Vince - a great article, wide ranging and thought provoking. Even more interesting are the comments - but I find the China-bashing a bit superficial. Linda Ch...