We hear there’s some football tournament going on at the moment.
Yesterday’s Sunday Politics had a fairly puerile political sticker item yesterday. I really think there are better uses of Adam Fleming’s talents. Anyway, it was quite amusing to see how Nick Clegg and Tim Farron reacted to the stunt.
We ‘d pick anyone BUT Clegg – Farron, Cable, etc
I do hope, Mr Pile, and all you other critics of our current team, will be standing for election next year. Despite the kicking that our opponents in the press have induced the electorate to give them, they should be admired for bouncing back and keeping going, as positive as ever… now if only the membership could find the soul to do the same..
This is clearly based on some game I’ve never played and don’t understand!
@Peter tyzack
“I do hope, Mr Pile, and all you other critics of our current team, will be standing for election next year. ” I’ll see what I can do on that Peter I stood in May and kept out UKIP but it’s up to party – I strongly doubt as a advocate of Libdem Fight Back and signatory of Libdems4change that will get that call. I will if Clegg goes. By the way as a Clegg supporter did you read Stephen Tall’s article in Conservative Home calling for Clegg to quit.
Stephen Tall: Why I believe Nick Clegg should stand down as Liberal Democrat leader
by Stephen Tall
Stephen Tall is the Co-Editor of LibDem Voice.
“Et tu, Stephen?” That was the message I received from one friend following my decision to write about why I think Nick Clegg should stand down as Liberal Democrat leader (while continuing as Deputy Prime Minister).
I think it might make a nice article for LDV – what do you think?