Comments: Don’t write something that would lead the Queen to set her Corgis on you – from our archive

Liberal Democrat Voice has a fantastic archive of posts going back to our establishment in 2006. Here’s an interesting article from our Founding Editor, which was published in November 2006. You can read the post in its original form here:

As happens on all blogs, there’s been a collective bout of grumpiness in the past few days in the comments.

I’ve just gone through the blog and deleted the variously abusive, rude, and fundamentally pointless messages.

Please think before you post comments, it’s not in anyone’s best interests that comment pre-moderation gets switched on, or that I have to force people to register before they can comment.

Visitors should note that even when you’re posting anonymously, the site records your IP address – so if you post under your own name one minute, and then post some abuse “anonymously” five minutes later, I know exactly who did it, and if push comes to shove I will name and shame rather than enable comment moderation.

To paraphrase Theresa May, you know what some people say about us? They call us the nice party. Please try not to type things in to the comments box that you wouldn’t say to someone’s face while sober and in polite company – e.g. standing in front of the Queen.

So in short, if you think you’re writing something that would lead the Queen to set her Corgis on you, think twice before posting!

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This entry was posted in From the LDV Archive.


  • “Visitors should note that even when you’re posting anonymously, the site records your IP address – so if you post under your own name one minute, and then post some abuse “anonymously” five minutes later, I know exactly who did it”

    I hope you have a records management policy regarding these site logs and hence you are deleting them after a reasonable number of days… Certainly, the draft Investigative Powers Bill doesn’t expect you to retain them for more than one year.

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