Tag Archives: liberal democrat voice

Two very important parts of our Comments Policy

Yes, we have a Comments Policy, which can be found here.

There are two very important parts of it, under the section “Be who you say you are”:

  1. When entering your comment, we ask you to provide a valid email address which belongs to you. This email address will not be published and is requested in case we need to contact you. We may send a test message to the email address given, in order to check its validity. Comments submitted without the provision of a valid email address, owned by the commenter, will not be published.
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How to bold, italicise & underline some of the text in your LDV comments

A reader has asked about this.

If you want to add some special features to your comments on this site, you can use HTML coding.

Don’t be frightened.

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How Liberal Democrat Voice will deal with the leadership election

After Vince formally kicked off the leadership contest yesterday, announcing that we’d have a new leader by July 23rd. The likely candidates are Jo Swinson and Ed Davey, although neither has, at the time of writing, announced.

They will have to get on with it as the first hustings take place on Friday 31st May in London. In total the candidates will be attending at least ten meetings organised by the party. You can see a full list here.

I’m looking forward to an interesting and friendly leadership campaign which will be about how to consolidate our excellent results in the local elections and to build on the profile we had during the European elections.

This will all be very different from the really tough contest between Tim Farron and Norman Lamb in 2015. During that contest, we were still going through all the stages of grief after the disaster of the General Election and it was at times a bit fractious and horrible. Now, we have a much more optimistic outlook and we have to work out who will best help us make the most of it.

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Comments: Don’t write something that would lead the Queen to set her Corgis on you – from our archive

Liberal Democrat Voice has a fantastic archive of posts going back to our establishment in 2006. Here’s an interesting article from our Founding Editor, which was published in November 2006. You can read the post in its original form here:

As happens on all blogs, there’s been a collective bout of grumpiness in the past few days in the comments.

I’ve just gone through the blog and deleted the variously abusive, rude, and fundamentally pointless messages.

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Do the Liberal Democrat Voice team choose the adverts on this site?

We are often asked if we directly control the adverts which appear on Liberal Democrat Voice.

We do have a policy on adverts as follows:

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Records smashed here at Liberal Democrat Voice – Our place to talk – thank you!

The Liberal Democrat family has been knocked sideways by disastrous election results. We’re also all cream crackered after working all hours for months.

But over 2,000 people joined the party yesterday.

And here on Liberal Democrat Voice you have helped to smash records.

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Election night on LDV

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Election night LIVE on Liberal Democrat Voice

We’ll be covering election night live here on Liberal Democrat Voice on Thursday night through to Friday morning.

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Liberal Democrat Voice comments policy upgrade

crotpa20002Following the dissolution of Parliament on Monday, today the terms of the Representation of the People Acts come into force. To comply with those terms, Liberal Democrat Voice is upgrading its comments policy forthwith. The enhanced policy can be read here. There will be a brief, almost indiscernible, pause in comments today while essential technical adjustments are transacted.

From now until election day, as per advice in the ALDC Election Law Handbook and in the Agents Manual, all comments by a parliamentary candidate, or by anyone who has campaigned (including telephone canvassing)  for a parliamentary candidate, should contain the correct imprint for that candidate. If a commenter has campaigned for more than one candidate then s/he should provide a separate imprint for each one.

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Our next post will be for new and infrequent commenters

Last Wednesday, we ran an experiment. We reserved the comments thread on one post for new and infrequent commenters.

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Our next post will be reserved for new and infrequent commenters


A very good morning from your Wednesday editor.

Our cheery morning photo (above) shows Stephen Fry and Elliott Spencer. Many congratulations to them both on their forthcoming marriage, the plan for which became public yesterday.

We’re going to try something a bit different today.

As an experiment, comments on the next post, to follow in ten minutes’ time, will be moderated and reserved for new and infrequent commenters on this site.

“Infrequent” is defined as having posted less than five comments in the last month.

We have 40 posts a week where our frequent commenters have more than enough space to express their views. We welcome those views but we’d like to try giving a little breathing space especially to people who haven’t commented here before or have done so only a little recently.

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Confessing LDV team members named

Some rights reserved by Lori GreigOn Christmas Eve some of the Liberal Democrat Voice team made public some interesting “confessions”. At that stage it was a case of “no names, no pack drills”. Readers had a chance to guess which team member made which confession. (There were a few jokers in there to make it even more interesting).

Now we can reveal the identity of each penitent:

Confession #1

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Christmas confessions from the Lib Dem Voice team

Confession - Some rights reserved by Lori GreigAs the Christmas sherry loosens us all up a bit, here are some confessions from the Liberal Democrat Voice team.

To turn it into a bit of a quiz, no names appear against each confession. So you’ll have to guess who the confessor is in each instance. By all means use the comments field below to have a stab at the identity of the owner of each revelation.

To make it a bit more interesting, there is an unspecified number of

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Recent Comments

  • John Mc
    This is all good stuff, but honestly, who is really getting to hear it? Reform have 5 MPs yet seem to be being anointed as a government in waiting. The LDs hav...
  • Simon R
    @David Evans: Are you seriously trying to compare maintaining the level of the pension at its current level in real terms (which is what would be implied by scr...
  • David Evans
    Hi Simon (R), I do have difficulty in understanding how you can make such a post and justify it by the one reason, "That doesn’t seem to me like something to ...
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    As someone of a certain generation whose Party slogan was "People matter, People Count", I've nothing to add to the BBC News today : "As Palestinians pou...
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    @Cassie: Why do you feel that talk about ending the triple lock should make pensioners worry? Ending the triple lock doesn't mean anything silly or mean like en...