A reader has asked about this.
If you want to add some special features to your comments on this site, you can use HTML coding.
Don’t be frightened.
In a simple example, if you want to do a bit of bolding and a bit italicising, you simply type as in the following example:
Writing normally
<strong>Then bolding a bit.</strong>
<em>Then italicising a bit.</em>
This will then come out on the site as this:
Writing normally.
Then bolding a bit.
Then italicising a bit.
So, basically the HTML code involved is not complex. Basically you use the < and > signs with a / thrown in at the end.
So, every time you want to start some text in a special way, you put the relevant command within < > signs and then when you want the special treatment to stop you put the same command within </ > signs.
So if you want to bold text, you go <strong>your text</strong>
If you want to italicise text, you go <em>your text</em>
If you want to underline the text, you go <u>your text</u>
* Paul Walter is a Liberal Democrat activist and member of the Liberal Democrat Voice team. He blogs at Liberal Burblings.
Great. So how do you add pictures?
I think you can also use ‘b’ instead of ‘strong’. I’ll test that here:
and ‘i’ instead of ’em’
And you can do all three if you want
Maybe not all three!
I think this might work for a pic
so exciting
Thanks Paul. Always wondered how to do this.
@Peter Martin – what do you mean “This might work for a pic”?
Thanks for this Paul.
There is a tuition page here for adding images in html:
Indeed, there are a host of html tuition websites. By Googling “html how do I …….” then you should be able to find an answer to most such questions.
Exciting,, thanks.
Although the lack of preview facility makes me a bit nervous of using much in the way of code because it’s very easy to miss a bit if you aren’t careful.
The more interesting question for me is how Paul has managed to show HTML code without it implementing itself.
I do have a lazy tip, which I use if I want to embed a link, which is to go to a Guardian open comment page and write my comment there using their limited HTML facility and then to copy/ paste it onto the LDV comment box. This avoids errors. Without a review facility on LDV public pages this is important.
“The more interesting question for me is how Paul has managed to show HTML code without it implementing itself.”
This is because of the genius of the LDV uber tech guru, Ryan Cullen! He works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform!