As the Christmas sherry loosens us all up a bit, here are some confessions from the Liberal Democrat Voice team.
To turn it into a bit of a quiz, no names appear against each confession. So you’ll have to guess who the confessor is in each instance. By all means use the comments field below to have a stab at the identity of the owner of each revelation.
To make it a bit more interesting, there is an unspecified number of “joker” confessions which sound true but aren’t.
Here are the confessions:
Confession #1
I once laid down in the middle of the main street of a large home counties town to stop the traffic.
Confession #2
I got married partly as a result of a Stephen Tall Christmas poll.
Confession #3
I got detention for skipping school to go canvassing in a General Election.
Confession #4
I once turned up at BBC television centre to appear on BBC News 24 to talk about land value taxation, but ended up being ushered in to appear in auditions for the part of Virgil Tracy in the forthcoming remake of “Thunderbirds”.
Confession #5
When a penniless student, I appeared in an “erotic video” called “The reluctant civil servant rides again”
Confession #6
I was fined for doing 60mph on a road where I had successfully campaigned to get the speed limit reduced to 50mph.
Confession #7
In 1994 I voted for Tony Blair to be Labour leader and John Prescott to be deputy leader.
Confession #8
While I was a student, I was hospitalised after taking part in an all too life-like and alcoholic late night re-enactment of Donoghue v Stevenson.
As a reminder, the members of the Lib Dem Voice team are:
Co-editors: Stephen Tall, Mark Pack, Helen Duffett.
Team: Ryan Cullen, Sara Bedford, Mark Valladares, Nick Thornsby, Caron Lindsay, Mary Reid, Paul Walter, Alex Foster, Alan Muhammed.
#1: Sara Bedford
#2: Mark Valladares
#3: Nick Thonsby
#4: Joke Confession
#5: Joke Confession
#6: Unsure but going with another joke.
#7: Stephen Tall (declared convert from Labour plus I read it on his blog bio.)
#8: Alan Muhammed
All are true. All are Mark Pack.
Apart from #8 which is clearly Helen Duffett.
1 Sara Bedford
2 Mark Vallerdares
3 Caron Lindsay
4 Joker…unless Mark Pack has yet to appear in this role
5 Nick Thornsby…it’s available on certain interwebs 😉 (joker really)
6 Paul Walter
7 Ryan Cullen
8 Stephen Tall
Happy Christmas Team! Let it all hang. Then go rehab and come back next year and do the same great job again. 🙂
3, 6 & 8 are the only ones that sound even remotely plausible…
#6: Mary Reid – A3 northbound near Chessington, when it goes from national limit to 50mph.
Jennie – actually, there are other genuine happenings in that list.
Number 6 sounds pretty plausible and happened to one of my students, except in his case he was the government officer who signed off the change and then forgot that he had changed it.
I wouldn’t totally write of number 5 as a definite joke. There are, after all, “appearing” but “non-action” roles in adult videos – Louis Theroux did a walk on in a film as part of his TV show, and Christopher Lee unknowingly did a non-action scene an adult film too.
Caron, wasn’t saying there wasn’t, I just said they didn’t sound plausible 😛