“Cynical” move to block Scotland’s Gender Recognition Bill

The Guardian reports:

Rishi Sunak’s government has blocked legislation passed by the Scottish parliament that would make Scotland the first part of the UK to introduce a self-identification system for people who want to change gender.

The Scottish secretary, Alister Jack, announced that he would use section 35 of the Scotland Act 1998 for the first time to halt the gender recognition bill after a review by UK government lawyers.

Westminster’s decision to use the “nuclear option” of blocking the bill from going for royal assent represents a significant escalation of tensions around the issue, and will enrage supporters of the changes and nationalists.

Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has tweeted:

Here’s Christine Jardine MP’s reaction:

Wendy Chamberlain was quick to tweet this:

The anger is clear from Jamie Stone’s reaction:

* News Meerkat - keeping a look-out for Liberal Democrat news. Meerkat photo by Paul Walter

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  • George Thomas 17th Jan '23 - 12:54pm

    Commentary before party-gate was that Tories vote in England was so strong that unless Labour could recover Scotland they would need to win the likes of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s seat in order to win the next election. It’s likely that Sunak is picking a fight in order to move dial a little closer to that former position, Keir Starmer is suggesting he’d do much the same, which shows what Tories and Labour think of voters in England as much as how they see power devolved to the Home Nations.

    This move represents a significant escalation of tensions around the issue, and will supercharge the feelings of supporters of the changes and nationalists.

  • Mick Taylor 17th Jan '23 - 1:59pm

    I am appalled at the attitude of this right wing government to this issue. I am disgusted as well because policies like Mr Jack’s will inevitably give heart to the anti trans activists and their allies and do harm to trans people.
    I hope our party speaks out on this issue, because heaven knows Labour and the Tories will not.

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