Good morning, and welcome to Daily View on the day which sees New York’s Chrysler Building celebrate its 80th birthday. Completed in 1930, it was the tallest building in the world for all of 11 months, before being replaced by the Empire State Building. After 9/11, it is once again the second tallest building in New York.
Also celebrating birthdays today are the chef Jamie Oliver (who is currently applying for planning permission to build a restaurant in Nottingham I will probably never be able to afford to eat in); West Wing actor Richard Schiff and the Lib Dem MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale Tim Farron. Some have speculated he might be in the running to replace Vince Cable as Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats; he tweeted last night that as Vince Cable’s PPS, he got to hear the “Stalin to Mr Bean” gag in rehearsal. Tim is 40 today.
2 Big Stories
Coalition government sets out radical welfare reforms
So says the Guardian headline, anyway, but the article is light on detail if heavy on mood music. A lot of people will be watching anxiously for the detail.
Duncan Smith says he is to propose to the Treasury a radical scheme that includes simplification of the complex benefits system designed to make it financially worthwhile for unemployed people to work, including in part-time jobs.
Concern over human cost overshadows iPad launch
Will you be queuing to spend 499 of your Earth pounds on an Apple iPad on Friday? The Independent has worrying news about the conditions under which the shiniest new gadget is being made.
The American electronics giant Apple was investigating damaging allegations last night that Chinese workers making its new iPad device were subjected to such “inhumane” treatment that some of them took their own lives by jumping off factory roofs.
2 Must-Read Blog Posts
What are other Liberal Democrat bloggers saying? Here are two posts that have caught the eye from the Liberal Democrat Blogs aggregator:
- Lynne Featherstone is celebrating Camden Lib Dems’ recent victory
- Pretendy Liberal lets David Laws do the talking
Blogger James has a clip from the BBC Parliament service which has David Laws answering an urgent question, and swatting away Labour attempts at attack with all the ease of someone who had been doing this for decades rather than days.
Spotted any other great posts in the last day from blogs that aren’t on the aggregator? Do post up a comment sharing them with us all.
One Comment
Very noticeable that there has been a virtual silence on this site about the developments in education policy over the past couple of days.
It’s not every day that a government promises to divert education resources to the best performing schools (usually in more affluent areas), and hand over control of curriculum to people like hedge fund managers and wacko creationist groups. Yet I have seen barely a mention of education on these pages.
The announced free-for-all in education will have the inevitable effect of massively widening the gulf in quality of education between the schools that well off people go to and the schools that poor people go to. I would expect (and hope) that at least SOME Lib Dems will eventually voice their misgivings about what sounds to me like the worst and most inequitable education policy ever.