David Laws on Lib Dem plans for the General Election

Yesterday Nick Clegg officially launched our pre-Manifesto, which will be debated at Federal Conference next month. David Laws was asked by the BBC about the costings, and he said:

We will publish the figures before the next election, but what Nick Clegg did say today is that the proposals that are in our pre-manifesto that we published today are considerably less expensive than the manifesto that we stood on in 2010. I personally am confident that if we were a Liberal Democrat government by ourselves, and we didn’t have to negotiate with other parties, then all that we’ve put in our pre-manifesto is actually deliverable.

Watch the full interview here:

* Mary Reid is a contributing editor on Lib Dem Voice. She was a councillor in Kingston upon Thames, where she is still very active with the local party, and is the Hon President of Kingston Lib Dems.

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  • A Social Liberal 9th Sep '14 - 1:39pm

    Just a thought, but wouldn’t it have been more appropriate to have the manifesto debated and agreed first and then launched? Isn’t this the way we used to do things?

  • That’s why they’re calling it a “pre” manifesto, A Social, but yeah, I’m with you on that.

  • Can I ask this manifesto has it the answer to 200,000+ net gain on top of the 700,000 births per Year meaning we have to find food housing school and welfare medical care for these ?

  • Tony Dawson 9th Sep '14 - 7:37pm

    It is called ‘bouncing’ m’lud. A disreputable and antidemocratic process adopted since time immemorial by disreputable and antidemocratic people. T o be fair, this is entirely consistent with what they’ve been doing for the past four years. To be even more fair, there’s nothing in this process which will make the slightest positive effect upon the election of any of the Lib Dem MPs who will be in the Parliament post-May 2015.

  • David Evershed 11th Sep '14 - 3:47pm

    Without any policy changes the demand on state services will be increased by

    a) An increase in the population
    b) An increase in the number of elderly people needing hospital treatment
    c) An increase in the number of children in primary school

    The issue is how will we cope with the pressure on costs from current policies when there is already a £100bn deficit every year and we are reachibg an unsustainable debt position?

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