Here’s a few of the reactions to the new draft bill from Twitter:
Home Secretary failed to answer @nick_clegg on why Privacy and Civil Liberties Board is not being set up
— Lib Dem Media Team (@LibDemPress) November 4, 2015
HSec's words on MI5's use of s94 Telecoms Act 1984 to collect domestic comms data in bulk were a significant and necessary avowal. 1/2
— David Anderson (@bricksilk) November 4, 2015
The new #IPBill must not try to sneak back in the disproportionate provisions we blocked in the 2012 Bill
— Lib Dem Media Team (@LibDemPress) November 4, 2015
The new #IPBill must not try to sneak back in the disproportionate provisions we blocked in the 2012 Bill
— Lib Dem Media Team (@LibDemPress) November 4, 2015
Investigatory Powers Bill: the Wilson Doctrine is over. MPs' communications can be intercepted, but only with a judge and PM's approval.
— Tom Newton Dunn (@tnewtondunn) November 4, 2015
Still questions marks over bulk collection of comms data – will be crucial to see detail in full bill #IPBill
— Lib Dem Media Team (@LibDemPress) November 4, 2015
.@nick_clegg says correctly that the #ipbill is better than original Comms Data Bill – but highlights that beneath bonnet it may be the same
— Julian Huppert (@julianhuppert) November 4, 2015
Encryption clarity. Bill won't ban it, but will require companies to provide data unencrypted. Challenging ! #ipbill
— Julian Huppert (@julianhuppert) November 4, 2015
New single Investigatory Powers Commissioner to replace fragmented existing oversight. Good if properly independent and resources #ipbill
— Julian Huppert (@julianhuppert) November 4, 2015
Judicial authorisation now …. TM says Home Sec has to approve … but then a judge will have to approve it too. improvement on now #ipbill
— Julian Huppert (@julianhuppert) November 4, 2015
Good if Home Sec really means extraordinarily broad telecoms act 1984 s 94 goes. #ipbill
— Julian Huppert (@julianhuppert) November 4, 2015
* Newshound in training. I'm sweet and full of mischief, just like my stories.