‘Drones could be used to deliver Focus leaflets’ – peer

FocusIn a House of Lords debate on drones this week, Liberal Democrat peer, Lord Lee of Trafford said:

It may even be possible to develop a delivery system that delivers Focus leaflets which I would have thought would be very much appreciated by these benches.

That could eventually provide material for a Glee song…

* Paul Walter is a Liberal Democrat activist and member of the Liberal Democrat Voice team. He blogs at Liberal Burblings.

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  • matt (Bristol) 6th Nov '14 - 1:24pm

    I know this is a political site, and this is a party in-joke in good spirit, but I do secretly wish parliamentarians or all kinds would minimise such ‘humour’ – it does run the enormous risk of making the wider world feel that politics is a trade in which the ‘professionals’ and ‘insiders’ and we are outsiders. This is a pretty serious issue; a gag like this might go down well at a party conference, but…

    Application for Sanctimonious Prig Of The Week duly submitted.

  • Nick Collins 6th Nov '14 - 1:50pm

    If one of these drones violates my air-space with unwanted literature, can I get a defense drone equipped with a weapon system to shoot it down?

  • The word ‘drone’ in English has a number of very different meanings.

    Members of the House of Lords often drone on and on with no obvious purpose, political or otherwise.

    If they stopped droning on and on in the Lords and reformed the place to make it a democratically elected part of our parliament instead of an old folks’ playground that would be useful.

    Until they do reform the place the 100 plus Lords who describe themselves as Liberal Democrats would achieve more delivering leaflets.

  • Stephen Hesketh 6th Nov '14 - 4:13pm

    @Dave Page 6th Nov ’14 – 12:55pm

    “In most local parties, they’re called “members” aren’t they? :-/”

    You beat me to it Dave!

    @JohnTilley6th Nov ’14 – 2:39pm

    “If they stopped droning on and on in the Lords and reformed the place to make it a democratically elected part of our parliament instead of an old folks’ playground that would be useful.”

    John, I agree and in the meantime I believe Lib Dem members should be electing Lib Dem Peers to this exclusive club rather than relying on the leaders patronage. If this breaks the rules, our votes should be ‘advisory’ for the leader’s guidance. In fact this is something LDV could usefully undertake! Stephen, Caron, Joe etc?

  • @ John Tilley

    Like the sound of removing the Lords, they have a knack of sending me asleep

  • There you have it; without the Lords, how many more people would suffer from the scourge of insomnia?

  • SIMON BANKS 7th Nov '14 - 11:41am

    Drones are large males who can’t sting and do no work other than having sex with queens. Can’t see them delivering many leaflets.

  • David Allen 7th Nov '14 - 4:52pm

    Surely Lord Bonkers got there first with his specially converted biplane…

  • Tony Greaves 9th Nov '14 - 1:12am

    Stephen Hesketh – we did for a while and that is how I got there. John Tilley – some of us do both…

    As for drones, what happens when their fingers are bitten off by dogs behind the letter boxes?

    Tony Greaves

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