It’s Wednesday, it’s eve of poll, and there’s a by-election in Merton
Canvassing for the amazing @JeniferGouldCH in Cannon Hill by-election in Merton – polling day tomorrow!
Labour vote softer than ever – fantastic doorstep response!
email [email protected] if you can help tomorrow
Come on #MertonMachine @LibDems
— Ed Davey (@EdwardJDavey) June 19, 2019
Earlier, Ed and Jo were on the Jeremy Vine Show talking about the coalition. He said he was proud of our record in the coalition, that we put country before party and did so many good things, quadrupling nuclear power, raising the state pension and taking many people out of income tax. He highlighted Norman Lamb’s work on mental health.
He talked about the compromises we had to make go give the country stable government. He contrasted with this “appalling” government. Apart from Brexit, he said that austerity has got worse under the Tories.
He highlighted recent gains to say that Lib Dems are on the up.
He said his vision was the right one to stop Brexit, tackle the climate change emergency and improve public services and his experience gave him the ability to be Prime Minister – pointing out that Lib Dem members might be choosing a PM in this election.
Listen here from about 35:52.
And he attacked South West Railways and the RMT for contributing to travel chaos on his patch:
Appalling disruption in Surbiton & across @SW_Help this week
Deeply disappointing RMT leaders putting their own interests (& chances in upcoming internal election) above needs of travelling public
SWR’s record bad enough without RMT calling totally unjustified & damaging strike
— Ed Davey (@EdwardJDavey) June 19, 2019
Ed’s website is here and you can follow him on Twitter here.
So Ed Davey outs himself as yet another Tory in yellow with his “unjustified strike” nonsense – I wonder just how deep his knowledge of railway operations is, or indeed how important the concerns of disabled and vulnerable passengers.
I really thought he would be better than this, but he simply sounds like a pound shop Grayling.
I am sure Ed would have said quadrupling renewable power not nuclear power!
“quadrupling nuclear power” — surely quadrupling renewable power? I feel sure I’d remember that many new nuclear power stations.