How Great Ormond Street’s Jane Collins escaped investigation last year

Jane Collins, the Chief Executive of Great Ormond Street Hospital, is facing calls to resign after it was revealed that critical details about the hospital’s role in the death of Baby Peter were withheld from one inquiry into the tragedy and, despite the hospital’s subsequent claims, were also not supplied to the second inquiry.

However, what has been less commented on in the coverage in the last few days is the way Jane Collins escaped being investigated by the General Medical Council last year:

The chief executive of Great Ormond Street Hospital has escaped investigation over the Baby P scandal by removing herself from the medical register.

The General Medical Council today confirmed they are now “powerless” to act against Dr Jane Collins since she erased her name. A GMC spokeswoman said: “Once someone has gone off the register then the GMC no longer has powers to investigate that person. Our powers only extend to erasing someone from the register.” (Evening Standard)

Not exactly a reassuring state of affairs is it?

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