How you can help Liberal Democrat Voice

The Voice is only a success because of the interest and support from our readers. For many people just lurking and reading the site is all they want to do – and that’s fine, we’re grateful for people taking the time to read the site.

You can though help us continue to produce interesting content for a growing audience. Here are four simple ways:

1. Let us have your tips for stories. Perhaps there’s something outrageous going on in your local council? Or you’re an expert in a particular area and have spotted a story other people have missed? Or you’ve seen some news no-one else is mentioning? Just drop us an email at [email protected]. We also welcome photos for our photo library.

Twitter logo2. Share our content with other people. Like a story you see on the site? If so, please let your friends know about it. Whether it is by sharing it on Facebook, sending a tweet, adding a link from your blog, saving it on a social networking site or anything else – the more people share good stories, the wider the audience they reach.

3. Donate. We keep our costs to a minimum, but our hosting costs have gone up as our traffic has grown, and any additional funds beyond that can go on better Conference activities and more internet advertising to promote our site and stories.

4. Write for us. What’s on your mind at the moment? Do you think you have a solution for a problem that nobody else has put forward? What do you think the party, its ministers or parliamentarians should be doing?

You can read our guidelines for contributors in full here, but here’s a short excerpt:

Contributions to the blog should be c.300-500 words – though this is advisory, not mandatory – and should be sent to [email protected]. If your post is too long, readership drops off quite sharply so there is a real advantage to brevity.

For guest posts we normally ask that they are original and to be published first on this site, though we are happy for you subsequently to post a copy elsewhere with a link back to the original.

If you refer to organisations, quotes, other online articles or evidence to back up your argument, please do include relevant links in your post.

Please state your affiliation to the Liberal Democrat party – ie, if you’re a member / activist / councillor, etc. and any short description that you would like us to use. This can include a weblink, such as to your own website or blog.

The site’s success is down to far more than just The Voice’s team. Readers like yourself are a keep part of our success. If you’re already doing any of these four – many thanks. And if not, why not try one of them this month?

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Recent Comments

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