ICYMI: Labour’s Barry Gardiner telling Tories Labour were trying to bail them out on Brexit

Coming to  a Lib Dem risograph near you very soon, I would imagine.

Seriously, Labour’s shadow international trade minister told Tory James Cleverly ON LIVE TV that “We are in there trying to bail you guys out” on Brexit.

You could not make it up. No wonder reports from the talks earlier this week made them sound like a love in. And here is the moment where he actually says it:

The two old parties cannot be allowed to stitch Brexit up between themselves.

Tell everyone you know that Barry Gardiner said this. It can’t be one of these 2am things that everyone forgets.

* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings

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  • John Marriott 6th May '19 - 1:57pm

    Surely, he was doing what he claims he always does. He was MAKING IT PERFECTLY CLEAR!

  • Mr Gardiner is now known as Bailout Barry, not sure it is a nickname I’d be happy to have, but there you are, poltics is a rough game.

  • Peter Hirst 7th May '19 - 5:31pm

    If Labour and The Conservatives are still trying to preserve the two Party system, they are going about it in a strange way. The rise of other Parties is yet another spoke in an already complicated political saga. Perhaps they should accept that life will never be the same again after Brexit and embrace electoral reform.

  • Richard Underhill 7th May '19 - 5:51pm

    Can the Tories or Labour deliver their MPs to any possible deal?
    Most of the compromises suggested in indicative votes lack the essential electoral support of the demos.
    Cries of ‘taxation without representation’ would be widespread.
    Full membership is the only alternative and that needs requires another referendum.

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