In case you need an incentive to keep working til the last possible minute …

Feet tired, aching, sore from so much delivery? Canvassed so much you’ve forgotten the candidate’s name (and you are the candidate)? Your home a tip, full of surplus leaflets and un-done housework?

In case you needed any further reason for keeping going til you drop for just one more day, here’s a reminder from polling firm ComRes’s Andrew Hawkins:

… some 38% of adults say that they may well change their mind before tomorrow. The party whose supporters are most fickle are the Lib Dems, making their impact especially hard to call.

Also of interest in this final poll is the percentage who are ‘absolutely certain’ to vote, a measure that is usually an excellent indicator of likely turnout. At a whopping 71%, this is the highest we have seen yet in this campaign and suggests turnout will be at around the level we saw last in 1997 (although probably lower than in 1992).

Yes, it looks like the higest general election turnout in 18 years – and those voters who are new, and least likely to vote, are the ones most inclined to vote Lib Dem if they do get to the polling station.

So let’s spend one more day making sure we get out the vote. And then we can all have a rest at the weekend.

Well, unless you’re out delivering your Thank You Focus leaflets, of course. Or we find ourselves in government …

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This entry was posted in General Election.


  • I was just wondering how much the opinion polls are weighed against young voters. In past elections young voter turnout was low. But if it’s high and if the opinion polls are weighted against a high turnout of young people then could the Lib Dems be higher in the opinion polls?

  • In the event (please God) of a hung parlaiment and the possibility of electoral reform, please respect the number of those (especially in the west country) who would be voting Labour. I live in Yeovil. At least half of those voting Liberal are would be Labour voters. I hate tactical voting but have a great deal of respect for the integritiy of your policies. Your policies are a long, long way removed from those of the Conservative party, you are no longer, if you ever have been the ‘middle way’. most people with a modicum of political knowledge know this. if they don’t know now, they will in the event of a coalition between the Conservatives and your party. Surely the moral responsibility for Clegg lies in the knowledge of what is being rejected.

  • Polls so far tonight

    TNS Con 33 Lab 27 LD 29
    Populus Con 37 Lab 28 LD 29
    Angus Reid Con 36 Lab 24 LD 29
    You Gov Con 35 Lab 28 LD 28
    Harris Con 35 Lab 29 LD 28
    Opinion Con 35 Lab 27 LD 26

    average approx Con 35% Lab 27% LD 28%

  • Paul McKeown 5th May '10 - 11:20pm

    Spent a very enjoyable afternoon in Brent, leafleting for Sarah Teather. Everyone I spoke to seems really engaged by the general election; lots of support there for Sarah. Good luck to her, my impression is she will win. Hope I’m right…

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