Independent’s spin on Nick Clegg and The Thick of It

LDV readers will no doubt be delighted that The Thick of It will be back on our screens this Autumn. The political satire has been greatly missed over the past two years and it will be interesting to see how they interpret the dynamics of Coalition Government.

If today’s Independent is to be believed, the script writers had a bit of help. The headline suggests a co-ordinated strategy – “How Nick Clegg’s aides tried to put him in the thick of it”. Sadly, the actual story doesn’t really stack up. “Nick Clegg may wish to interrogate his private office,” says the first paragraph of the article. Except the basis for the story is one email from someone who no longer works there:

Armando got an email after a political awards. The person said ‘I’m working in Nick Clegg’s office until June. I’ll let you know what happened after that.

That’s it. However, the article has lots of information about the new series and how it’s all going to work. Nicola Murray, the former DoSAC Minister played so well by Rebecca Front, is now the Leader of the Opposition with Malcolm Tucker as her media adviser.

There is one loose end, though. Who could possibly be the writer of the email? Any guess I could make would be wildly speculative.  Obviously we don’t know which June is being referred to. The highest profile departure this year was that of Richard Reeves to live in the States, and he didn’t leave until 5th July, so clearly it couldn’t be him, could it?

* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings

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One Comment

  • Let’s hope the new series of the Thick of It is better than the very pedestrian VEEP.

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