That got your attention, didn’t it?
Actually, it wasn’t so much a ballot but a great big raffle. This morning the annual draw took place to select twenty MPs to select Private Members’ Bills. Five Liberal Democrats were allotted slots, with the top two places going to Andrew George and Michael Moore. John Hemming, Sarah Teather and Martin Horwood complete our quintet.
We’ve contacted them all to ask what their Bills will be. We’d be very surprised if John Hemming didn’t do something on family courts, or Sarah Teather on helping asylum seekers or immigration.
We shall keep you posted when we hear anything and we’ll try and follow their Bills. Given that this session is relatively light, there may be more parliamentary time for these measures. Often they don’t last the course. It was very disappointing to see Mike Crockart’s No to Nuisance calls Bill being talked out after the Tories and Labour spent hours dancing on the head of a pin about apprenticeships.
In the meantime, do watch it all being done with great theatre.
The best bill would be one that reforms the private members bill. The absurd talking out of bills should be abolished. Any MP winning a place in the ballot should be guaranteed at least a half days debate in the commons and proper parliamentary time to make the thing law if it is supported. Frankly, the way that MPs put up with such a insulting process and act as lobby fodder 90%+ of the time shows how corrosive the Houses of Parliament are on those who enter them.
Could I suggest one of the Lib Dem MP’s takes the opportunity to put a private members bill to scrap Tuition fees. [email protected]
What Jonathan said. (However I know this won’t happen).
I’m with Jonathan and Joshua. Watch the LibDem poll ratings soar if they did.
Perhaps a bill in support of Oxfam and other NGOs who have for decades done excellent work.
It might make up for one of Clegg’s latest blunders ( Clegg blasts Oxfam poster)
Difficult to believe that a so-called Liberal Leader thinks it is clever politics to attack Oxfam
If you can cope with this me-too-ism with his Conerservative masters it is reported here —
John, I back Nick Clegg over this one.
The poster is a bit of dilitante rubbish and nothing to do with the relief of famine.
So our Dear Leader attacks Oxfam while endorsing The Sun – great!
Two examples of really bad judgement in a single day. I think he must be starved of oxygen in the Westminster bubble…..
The Green Party must be laughing all the way to the Polling Booth.
This is an absurd manner of proceeding in a democracy.
Could we have a bill to ban Nick Clegg?
A bill removing Scottish MP’s from voting on English matters please.
@Steve Deller – better to have a bill to abolish devolution and let the upcoming referendum be a clear in or out.
2 further suggestions:
A Bill to mandate the wearing of cycle helmets for all cyclists – whatever the age. This would protect the many people killed and suffering serious head injuries in cycling accidents.
A Bill requiring a local referendum for major infrastructure projects which impact local communities adversely – such as HS2 or Heathrow extension