LDV readers say: almost half believe anonymous job applications “an unnecessary measure”

A couple of weeks ago, Lib Dem Voice highlighted Lynne Featherstone’s campaign to make it mandatory for all written job applications to be anonymous, in order to eliminate any subconscious discrimination employers might harbour when they (eg) see a name which suggests the applicant is foreign, old, etc. LDV posed readers the simple question: Do you support the idea of job applications being made anonymous?

Here’s what you told us:

  • 31% (79 votes) – Yes, it should be made mandatory for all businesses to remove all discrimination
  • 17% (44) – Yes, but it should be voluntary not mandatory for businesses
  • 48% (124) – No, this is an unnecessary measure
  • 1% (3) – Other [please state in comments]
  • 3% (8) – Don’t know

Total Votes: 258. Poll ran: 2nd-14th July 2009

It looks like Lynne has got her work cut out convincing Lib Dems, at least if LDV readers are any indication.

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