Category Archives: Voice polls

YouGov versus Lib Dem Voice surveys: how do they compare?

As Stephen mentioned earlier in conference, we’ve done a little experiment with the latest Lib Dem Voice survey of party members by asking exactly the same questions as were very recently asked of party members in a YouGov survey. It turns out that the answers from our two different approaches are very similar:

As you may know, there is currently debate about whether or not the UK should replace its Trident nuclear weapons system. Current policy is to replace the Trident submarines with a new fleet of boats, and to replace the ballistic nuclear missiles they carry at a later

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Burstow: “New 111 service will be better than NHS Direct”

The news broke at the weekend that NHS Direct is to be scrapped by the Coalition Government, and replaced with a new service – 111 – a move anticipated in July’s Health White Paper, in which it was promised to:

Develop a coherent 24/7 urgent care service in every area of England that makes sense to patients when they have to make choices about their care. This will incorporate GP out-of-hours services and provide urgent medical care for people registered with a GP elsewhere. We will make care more accessible by introducing, informed by evaluation, a single telephone number

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NEW POLL: Is the Coalition right to scrap NHS Direct?

The BBC reports:

The government has confirmed it is planning to scrap the NHS Direct telephone service in England and replace it with a cheaper option. A new 111 helpline is already being piloted in the North East. It was previously reported that the new service may replace NHS Direct, but now the Department of Health has confirmed it will definitely do so. The move comes as the government curtails public spending, even though it has promised to protect the NHS.

NHS Direct is currently used by 27,000 people a day, and provides expert health advice and information to callers, as …

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NEW POLL: Should nuclear power be part of the UK’s energy mix?

Climate change and energy secretary Chris Huhne was on Radio 4 this morning with what will have been, for many Lib Dems, a surprise announcement: that the Lib Dem / Conservative coalition government is fully behind the opening of a new nuclear power station in eight years’ time.

Arguing in favour of in favour of a mix of more nuclear, oil and gas and renewable energy, Chris declared, “I have no intention of the lights going out on my watch.”

This is something of a change in direction for Liberal Democrat party policy. For example, in the 2010 manifesto the …

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LDV readers say: Tax Capital Gains and Income at the same level

LDV posed the question last month (even before the Osborne/Alexander austerity emergency budget): Do you believe that as a matter of principle capital gains should generally be taxed at the same level as income?

Here’s what you told us:

    68% (946 votes) – Yes
    27% (371) – No
    6% (80) – Don’t know
    Total Votes: 1397, Poll ran: 10th June – 31st July, 2010

If you missed it at the time, it’s well worth having a read of the comments thread.

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NEW POLL: Is the Coalition right to allow us to work beyond 65?

This was the statement issued by Lib Dem Employment Relations Minister Ed Davey this week when announcing the end of the default retirement age of 65, and give people the freedom to choose their own retirement date:

With more and more people wanting to extend their working lives we should not stop them just because they have reached a particular age. We want to give individuals greater choice and are moving swiftly to end discrimination of this kind. Older workers bring with them a wealth of talent and experience as employees and entrepreneurs. They have a vital contribution to make

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LDV TwtPoll – right or wrong to deny Nick Griffin entry to the Buckingham Palace garden party?

A couple of days ago, Lib Dem Voice tweeted an instant poll asking the question, “Was it right or wrong for BNP leader Nick Griffin to be denied entry to the Buckingham Palace garden party?”

The poll’s still open, and you can vote here – here’s how voting currently stands:

All in all, pretty close, with 39% saying it was right, 33% saying it was wrong to deny him entry, and 26% saying he shoudn’t have been invited in the first place.

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NEW POLL: Should capital and income be taxed at the same level?

In amongst the debate over capital gains tax and the politics of whether the Budget leans more towards the previous Liberal Democrat or Conservative policies on the topic is a significant issue of principle.

The Liberal Democrats (and previously the Liberals in particular) have traditionally been much keener on the idea that the tax system should treat ‘unearned income’ more equally to earned income, and so tax more equally the growth in capital value of assets compared with salaries.

Of course the use of the word ‘unearned’ is itself the trigger for a whole range of debates as increase values …

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NEW POLL: Who do you want to see as the next Lib Dem deputy leader?

It’s early days – Vince only announced he was stepping down as the party’s deputy leader last night, in order to focus on his cabinet responsibilities – but who would you, LDV’s readers, like to see take over from Vince?

Of course the electorate for the deputy’s post are the party’s 57 MPs (party members choose our leader and president), and I imagine and hope there will be four criteria uppermost in their minds:

1) Ensuring a ‘balanced ticket’ for the party leadership. Nick and Vince have worked well together precisely because they look, sound and are different. Their combined blend of …

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Twitter poll results: peers should be able to vote in general elections

Thanks to everyone who took part in our Twitter mini-poll last week on the question:

Do you agree with the members of the House of Lords who are demanding the right to vote in general elections?

The result is:

Yes 70% (49 votes)
No 30% (21 votes)

… and not one person picked “Don’t know”. Give yourselves a pat on the back for decisiveness.

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NEW POLL: Should members of the Lords get to vote in general elections?

Some members of the House of Lords have been demanding the right to vote for MPs and want to see the law changed to remove the ban on peers voting at general elections.

Do you agree with them? That’s the question asked in our latest Twitter poll:


NEW POLL: What’s the main reason you think the Tory poll lead has all but evaporated?

Today’s YouGov poll in the Sunday Times suggests the Tory lead over Labour has amost disappeared, and that Labour may even end up the largest party after the general election (which would reflect the exclusive LDV election prediction published here at the start of February).

Nor is today’s poll a flash-in-the-pan. None of the last 12 polls has shown the Tories reaching 40%, the psychologically crucial hurdle most feel they need to be able to clear to be sure of a working Commons majority. Only one of those polls has shown Labour below 30%, and – sigh of …

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NEW POLL: Is it time to end ‘politically restricted’ jobs?

Blogging Labour MP Tom Harris has an interesting story today, revealing that Tina Stowell, the BBC’s head of corporate affairs “is not only a wannabe Tory candidate, but still has a live website proclaiming her love of all things Cameron.” But Tom doesn’t point this out in order to fulminate or demand her resignation:

And you know something? I don’t have a problem with this. I would much prefer to know the politics of someone I’m dealing with because at least you know where they’re coming from. She wants to become an MP? Good for her! I hope she

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LDV readers say: Televised leaders’ debates will be great help to Lib Dems

A fortnight ago, LDV posed the question, What difference, if any, do you think the televised leaders’ debates will make to the Lib Dems’ standing in the polls? Here’s what you told us:

  • 60% (258 votes) – They will be a real help to the Liberal Democrats
  • 24% (105) – They will make only a marginal difference either way
  • 8% (34) – They will backfire for the Liberal Democrats
  • 8% (33) – They will be utterly irrelevant to how people vote
    Total Votes: 430 Poll ran: 26th December 2009 – 8th January 2010

So, a convincing majority of you – six …

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NEW POLL: Who is your Liberal Voice of the Year?

Ten days ago, in the dying days of the last decade, LDV launched our search for the Liberal Voice of 2009, to find the non-Lib Dem individual or group which has had the biggest impact on liberalism in this country in the past 12 months.

Our thanks to all who put forward nominations, all of which were considered carefully by the LDV editorial collective, which has agreed to short-list the following (in no particular order):

  • Guy Herbert, general secretary of NO2ID, for his campaigning work against the database state;
  • Peter Tatchell, for his tireless and fearless international human

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LDV readers say: we least want David Cameron to be the next Prime Minister

A few weeks back, I posed the question here on LDV: In the event of Nick Clegg not forming a government after the next election, who do you *least want* to be Prime Minister in a year’s time? And to give our poll that little added piquancy I offered only two options: Gordon Brown or David Cameron.

Over 1,000 LDV readers (who, I never tire of reminding folk – especially any journos on the look-out for an easy story – may or may not all be Lib Dems) voted, and here’s what you said:

  • Gordon Brown: 42% (468 votes)
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    NEW POLL: will the TV debates make any difference to the Lib Dems?

    We now know the UK will see its first ever televised debates between the leaders of the three major UK-wide parties in the run-up to the 2010 general election. The consenus is there have been two winners: Sky News, which, with brilliant audacity, put the issue front and centre, and by so doing ensured that (i) the debates will happen, and (ii) it muscled in on the act, instead of being excluded by the BBC and ITV. (There’s a lesson there for Channel 4, which had been comprehensively outmanoeuvred).

    The second winner, according to the commentariat, is Nick Clegg. Here’s Andrew …

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    ‘Best of the Noughties’: LDV’s Polls of the Decade

    It’s December, folks, and the last month of the decade* we’ve never quite been able to bring ourselves to call ‘The Noughties’. In celebration of its passing, Lib Dem Voice will be running a series of polls for which we’re seeking your help.

    What categories would you like to see polled? My draft list of 21 includes the following politics, media and culture ‘Best ofs’:

    • Liberal Democrat Politician of the Decade
    • Liberal Democrat Backbencher of the Decade
    • Conservative Politician of the Decade
    • Labour Politician of the Decade
    • Most Influential Campaigner of the Decade
    • Best Political Speech of the Decade
    • Best

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    LDV readers say: overwhelming NO to idea of EU President Blair

    A couple of weeks back, LDV posed the question, Do you support or oppose Tony Blair becoming the first President of the European Union?

    There’s no room for doubt about the overwhelming view of readers of this site (who may or may not be representative of Lib Dem supporters more generally) – here’s what you told us:

    >> 27% (144 votes): Yes – no matter what you think of Blair, Europe needs his leadership abilities
    >> 73% (389): No – he is the wrong person for the job
    Total Votes: 533 Poll ran: 28th October – 17th November 2009

    I agree with …

    Also posted in Europe / International | Tagged , , and | 5 Comments

    NEW POLL: Who do you least want to be Prime Minister in a year’s time: Gordo or Dave?

    Oooh, here’s a nasty ‘forced choice’ question to thrust upon LDV’s readers … let’s assume for a moment that, by some quirk of electoral fate, the Lib Dems do not storm to victory at the next general election, and Nick Clegg is not asked by Her Maj to form the next government. A far-fetched scenario, I know, but go with me on this. If those were the circumstances, who would you rather have as Prime Minister: Gordon Brown or David Cameron?

    And, yes, those are your only two choices in this poll. We’re not giving you an easy ‘neither of …

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    LDV readers say: no to all-women short-lists and quotas, yes to better training and support

    Three weeks ago, LDV posed the following question – How should the Lib Dems increase their number of female MPs? – in the wake of Nick Clegg’s frank admission to the Speaker’s Conference that the Lib Dem Parliamentary Party is “woefully unrepresentative of modern Britain”.

    Here’s what you told us:

    • 8% (23 votes) – All women shortlists and/or quotas in ALL seats
    • 7% (22) – All women shortlists and/or quotas in winnable and held seats
    • 44% (133) – No short-lists and/or quotas, but invest in getting more, better-trained and supported candidates
    • 14% (42) – No short-lists and/or

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    NEW POLL: would you support Tony Blair as the first President of the EU?

    The speculation that Tony Blair might become the first President of the European Union – a post created by the soon-to-be-ratified Lisbon Treaty – continues to swirl around. The BBC reports today:

    Gordon Brown has said he would be “very happy” to support a bid by his predecessor Tony Blair to be the first president of the European Council. But the prime minister told MPs the post did not yet exist as the Lisbon Treaty creating it had not become law. The BBC understands Mr Brown will put Mr Blair’s case to other EU leaders in Brussels later this week after previously denying it would do so.

    But there are major potential obstacles in Mr Blair’s way – first, other qualified candidates, especially from the EU’s smaller nation states, and, secondly, the opposition of the Lib Dems and Tories to his candidacy. Here’s what Nick Clegg today said:

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    LDV readers say: Yes to Vince’s ‘Mansion Tax’

    Was it only a month ago we were in the throes of the Lib Dem conference? How time flies. Cast your minds back four weeks, and the Lib Dems’ shadow chancellor, Vince Cable, made a few waves by announcing his wish to introduce a new tax, quickly dubbed the ‘Mansion Tax’, of 0.5% on the value of properties over £1m.

    In fact, as LDV’s Alex Foster spotted at the time, Vince was re-treading a policy he’d been forced to abandon just 18 months previously. But, then, a lot has changed in the last 18 months, both economically, and in terms of Vince’s popularity. The surprise announcement caused Vince more than a few headaches, with shadow cabinet colleagues complaining of being kept in the dark.

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    NEW POLL: How should the Lib Dems increase their number of female MPs?

    At the Speaker’s Conference yesterday, Nick Clegg delivered a frank assessment of the Lib Dem Parliamentary Party, calling it “woefully unrepresentative of modern Britain”. It’s not hard to see why. No ethnic minority MPs, and just nine female MPs among our 63 representatives. Woeful is the word.

    The real question is: what to do about it? Nick has previously indicated – and repeated the point in his submission yesterday – that he would consider recommending all-women shortlists be adopted by the party after the next election if he’s unable to point to real progress in improving the Parliamentary party’s representativeness. …

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    LDV readers split on Nick’s talk of need for “savage” cuts

    A week ago, Lib Dem Voice asked our readers the question on everyone’s lips at conference: Do you think Nick Clegg was right to say that the Lib Dems need to be “quite bold, or even savage, on current spending”?

    I was clear on my view:

    I cannot see how the talk of “savage” cuts is helpful – quite simply, it’s not the language of Lib Dems. Just as importantly, it’s not backed up by policy proposals. Even Vince Cable has so far come up with some £14 billion of potential savings, while estimating that a total of £112 billion will

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    NEW POLL: Do you support Vince’s ‘mansion tax’?

    Even Vince Cable now admits that his announcement during the party conference that he wants the Lib Dems to adopt a policy of levying a new tax of 0.5% on the value of properties over £1m could have been smoother. His failure to consult shadow cabinet colleagues, let alone the party’s policy committee, dented even Vince’s seemingly unassailable reputation. However, the process muddle is a side issue to the bigger question: is the policy right, and could the party campaign successfully on it?

    First, the policy, and here are two alternative, liberal views. Martin Wolf of the Financial Times has …


    LDV readers say: pay MPs more!

    A month ago, Lib Dem Voice set up a new poll for readers asking the simple question, MPs are currently paid £65k per annum. Do you think they should be paid more than this, the same, or less in the future?

    Here’s what you told us:

    44% (234 votes) – More than £65k
    35% (187) – The same as now
    21% (115) – Less than £65k
    Total Votes: 536. Poll ran 24 Aug – 13 Sept 2009.

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    NEW POLL: Is Nick Clegg right to talk about the need for “savage” cuts?

    For once, the media reporting of what party activists at conference are discussing is accurate – Nick Clegg’s decision to question the affordability of the Lib Dems’ long-held policy of abolishiong university tuition fees, and his talk of the need for the party to be “quite bold, or even savage, on current spending” is the talk of the town.

    The Financial Times today quotes some high-level criticism of Nick’s approach:

    One MP said Mr Clegg sounded “nastier than the Tories” and that he was “salivating” over the chance to cut the state. Others complained that Mr Clegg and Vince

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    LDV readers say: 54% reckon Lib Dems will lose support at next election

    Earlier this month, Lib Dem Voice asked our readers – who, I cannot emphasise enough, may or may not be Lib Dem supporters – what you think the next general election holds in store for the Lib Dems? Here’s what you told us:

    24% (116 votes): An increase in % vote and an increase in seats
    22% (103): An increase in % vote but a decrease in seats
    12% (57): A decrease in % vote but an increase in seats
    42% (201): A decrease in % vote and a decrease in seats.
    Total Votes: 477 Poll ran: 7th-24th August 2009

    A fairly pessimistic assessment, you might conclude, with a plurality of readers reckoning the party will go backwards, both in terms of share of the vote and number of seats held. Interestingly, while almost half (46%) of you think the party will increase its share of the vote, barely one-third (36%) think the party might also end up with more MPs as a result.

    Also posted in General Election | 3 Comments

    NEW POLL: What should we pay our MPs?

    Tory MP Sir Patrick Cormack – the grandees’ grandee – isn’t alone in thinking MPs are under-paid. Today’s Times reports (under the oh-so-impartial headline, MPs hijack expenses inquiry with complaints and demands for pay rise – do you remember the days when newspapers reported facts, and let us form our own opinions?) that Sir Christopher Kelly’s Committee on Standards in Public Life inquiry into Parliamentary standards has been

    bombarded by MPs’ complaints about their miserable lifestyles, media intrusion, the inadequacy of existing allowances — along with repeated demands for a hefty pay rise. … A detailed analysis by The Times of hundreds of submissions shows that such views are far from exceptional, particularly among Conservative MPs who believe that they would be earning far more if they had never entered politics.

    The debate has been well-rehearsed. Gone are the days of amateur MPs, men with means who could afford to regard being elected to Parliament as their public duty and/or an amusing hobby. Paying members of Parliament is an essential pre-requisite of a democracy of all the talents. How much they should be paid inevitably plunges you into the murky realms of envy, greed and compromise.

    On a rational supply and demand basis, it is perfectly obvious that MPs should be paid not a single penny more. Political parties in winnable seats have no problem in finding candidates: more people want to do the job than there are vacancies available. It’s an employer’s market, and in this case the employer is the taxpayer: why should we cough up more cash?

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