Was it only a month ago we were in the throes of the Lib Dem conference? How time flies. Cast your minds back four weeks, and the Lib Dems’ shadow chancellor, Vince Cable, made a few waves by announcing his wish to introduce a new tax, quickly dubbed the ‘Mansion Tax’, of 0.5% on the value of properties over £1m.
In fact, as LDV’s Alex Foster spotted at the time, Vince was re-treading a policy he’d been forced to abandon just 18 months previously. But, then, a lot has changed in the last 18 months, both economically, and in terms of Vince’s popularity. The surprise announcement caused Vince more than a few headaches, with shadow cabinet colleagues complaining of being kept in the dark. Yet there can be no doubt that Vince’s ‘Mansion Tax’ policy resonated beyond the conference – indeed, was perhaps the only policy that did – and seems to have been met by general approval, including those signed-up to LDV’s members-only forum, with 67% supporting it.
Here’s what happened when we asked LDV’s wider readership – who may or may not be Lib Dem members – to answer the question: Vince Cable has proposed levying a new household tax of 0.5% on the value of properties over £1m. Which of these statements best represents your own view?
- 49% (407 votes) – Yes, I support the policy and think it will be a vote-winner
- 14% (113) – Yes, I support the policy but think it will be a vote-loser
- 30% (248) – No, I do not support the policy and think it will be a vote-loser
- 7% (60) – No, I do not support the policy but think it will be a vote-winner
Total Votes: 828 Poll ran: 26th September – 20th October 2009
Which shows that among the readership of Lib Dem Voice:
* 63% support the ‘mansion tax’, while 37% disagree with it; and
* 56% think it will be a vote-winner, and 44% think it will be a vote-loser.